Welcome to my space dedicated to the care of patients with substance use disorder in pregnancy! If you are here to learn more about reducing stigma, treating patients with substance use disorder in pregnancy, or looking for Wisconsin specific resources, you can find those under the Harm Reduction Resources tab.
If you are here for the UW/Meriter Naloxone Training, you can find the pre-test, training, and post-test under the Harm Reduction Study tab.
If you would like to reach out to the study team, have questions about the training or HOPE Kits, or need something else, please contact Dr. Jackie Adams (jhadams3@wisc.edu) or Dr. Caitlin Regner (caitlin.regner@accesshealthwi.org).

How to Use Naloxone (English)
Como Administrar Naloxona
Safe Communities, in conjunction with UW Health, present conversations around peer support and harm reduction for providers. Skip to 6:33 for a conversation between a provider and pregnant patient with substance use disorder about harm reduction!
Wisconsin resources
Wisconsin Society of Addiction Medicine
Providing HOPE from the Emergency Department: A Project to Standardize Overdose Response in Wisconsin EDs - presented by Ritu Bhatnagar, MD, MPH at the 2023 Wisconsin Society of Addiction Medicine conference
Reducing Bias
Dr. Nicole Labor: Addiction 101
Reducing Stigma (from the Academy of Perinatal Harm Reduction)
Words Matter: Preferred Language for Talking About Addiction (from the National Institutes of Health National Institute on Drug Abuse)