The Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine hosted the 2025 Pregnancy Meeting in Denver, Colorado from January 27-February 1, 2025. Faculty from UW Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, as well as maternal-fetal medicine fellows and ob-gyn residents, brought research to the meeting:
Effect of the Dobbs Decision on Severe Maternal Morbidity in Wisconsin - Jacqueline M. Powell; Janine S. Rhoades; Ronald E. Gangnon; Kara K. Hoppe
Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Severe Maternal Morbidity Based on Location in Wisconsin - Jacqueline M. Powell; Janine S. Rhoades; Ronald E. Gangnon; Kara K. Hoppe
Effect of the Dobbs Decision on Sterilization Rates Based on Location Across Wisconsin - Michelle P. Lin; Jacqueline M. Powell; Megan Knutson Sinaise; Janine S. Rhoades; Ronald E. Gangnon; Kara K. Hoppe
Timing of Delivery of Preterm Membrane Rupture at 34 Weeks and Beyond: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis - Celine Huynh; Sarah K. Dzubay; Megha Arora; Jacqueline M. Powell; Aaron B. Caughey
Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Sterilization Rates based on Location in Wisconsin - Michelle P. Lin; Jacqueline M. Powell; Megan Knutson Sinaise; Janine S. Rhoades; Ronald E. Gangnon; Kara K. Hoppe
Fetal Doppler Progression and Outcomes in Pregnancies with Late Onset Fetal Growth Restriction and Preeclampsia - Scott Infusino; Jeanette Larson; Natalia Gontarczyk Uczkowski; Amy Godecker; Jacquelyn H. Adams; Jesus Iruretagoyena
Middle Cerebral Artery Pulsatility Index and Cerebroplacental Ratio in Late Onset Growth Restriction and Preeclampsia - Scott Infusino; Jeanette Larson; Natalia Gontarczyk Uczkowski; Amy Godecker; Jacquelyn H. Adams; Jesus Iruretagoyena
Incredible work, all!
In late January 2025, the Cap Times published an article about the state of postpartum Medicaid coverage and expansion in Wisconsin. Wisconsin is one of only two states in the U.S. that has not extended coverage for a full year after giving birth.
In “Moms on Medicaid would get a year of postpartum care under bill”, faculty in the Department of Ob-Gyn added important perspective about common postpartum health issues that can affect new parents beyond the current cutoff of Medicaid coverage.
Ryan McDonald, MD, professor in the Division of Academic Specialists in Ob-Gyn, shared data on postpartum mental health issues at a Healthy Women Community Talk that was referenced in the article.
Similarly, Jackie Adams, MD, MS, assistant professor in the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, was quoted from the same event speaking on pregnancy-related issues that can have lifelong health impacts, including high blood pressure in pregnancy and gestational diabetes.
Amy Domeyer-Klenske, MD, director of the Division of Academic Specialists in Ob-Gyn, talked about how Medicaid extension can impact the U.S.’s growing maternal mortality rate:
“This is an issue that impacts our communities, our patients, families and is widely recognized to be a possible solution to help combat the maternal mortality crisis,” Domeyer-Klenske said of the legislative proposal. “Maternal health is not and should not be a one-party issue. We all need to come together to find these solutions, to ensure that we have help for our patients and families.”
Read the whole article here.
The weeks after giving birth are a busy time, full of physical and emotional changes. It can be hard to focus on your own health after bringing home a new baby. But caring for your body and mind after birth is incredibly important.
At Your Health After Pregnancy, a Healthy Women Community Talk presented January 23, 2025 on Maternal Health Awareness Day, experts from the UW Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology answered questions about physical recovery, postpartum mental health, breastfeeding, and so much more:
- Ryan McDonald, MD, professor in the Division of Academic Specialists in Ob-Gyn, talked about signs and symptoms of postpartum depression and anxiety, treatment and support options, and important resources for people and families navigating postpartum mental health issues.
- Katherine Sampene, MD, associate professor in the Division of Academic Specialists in Ob-Gyn, talked about recommendations for spacing pregnancies, why people may want to have a plan for birth control after giving birth, and how different methods affect breast or chest feeding.
- Jacquelyn Adams, MD, MS, assistant professor in the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, talked about physical recovery after birth, the importance of postpartum health visits, and what to know about how pregnancy can affect health long-term.
- Community Health Workers from the UW Health ConnectRx program shared resources available in the Madison, Wisconsin area to support postpartum health.
Watch the whole event here.
Jacquelyn Adams, MD, MSCI, assistant professor in the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, had one of her patients featured on WIFR as well as Spectrum News, for a recent story describing the complications the patient experienced during pregnancy.
In “Beloit woman overcomes lupus, rare lung and heart condition to become a mother,” the article shares the hurdles Vanessa Fitz had to overcome to insure her own health as well as her daughter’s, during her pregnancy since Fitz was dealing with lupus and pulmonary arterial hypertension.
Her daughter, Lyla, was delivered on April 1, 2024 via cesarean section through the University Hospital, and was discharged from the American Family Children’s Hospital’s NICU on April 6.
You can read the full story here.
The story for Spectrum News, “Pursuit Unlimited: Woman overcomes health challenges to become a mother,” focused on the team effort it took to help Fitz deliver a healthy baby girl. In addition to Adams, specialists from UW Health University Hospital, American Family Children’s Hospital, and the UnityPoint Health-Meriter Hospital Center for Perinatal Care helped Fitz in her last months of pregnancy.
“The goal from day number one was for us to try to work together and keep her as healthy as possible so that we could keep baby healthy, while also making sure that we sort of didn’t push too hard,” said Adams.
You can read the full story here.
**by Ob-Gyn Communications Intern Paige Stevenson
On August 15, 2024, Jacquelyn Adams, MD, MS, assistant professor in the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, and Jasmine Zapata, MD, MPH, assistant professor in the UW School of Medicine and Public Health Department of Pediatrics, presented the Grand Rounds lecture “Creating a Diverse Team to Combat Maternal Mortality.”
In the lecture, Adams and Zapata focused on a study done by the Wisconsin Maternal Mortality Review Team that analyzed maternal mortality trends from 2019 to 2020. Specifically, they found that 38% of the deaths were due to mental health conditions, and 29% were due to cardiovascular conditions and hypertension issues. The pair also shared recommendations to help limit the amount of pregnancy-related deaths moving forward.
You can watch the full lecture here.
**by Ob-Gyn Communications Intern Paige Stevenson
On August 10, 2023, UW Ob-Gyn Associate Professor and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Chair Katherine Sampene, MD, presented the Grand Rounds lecture “Optimizing Contraceptive Counseling”. Jackie Adams, MD, MS, assistant professor in the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, and Laura Berghahn, MD, private practice ob-gyn at Associated Physicians of Madison, co-presented the lecture.
During the presentation, Sampene and co-presenters explained the basic frameworks of person-centered care, cultural humility, and reproductive justice; outlined areas of identified need for improvement in contraceptive counseling; and shared department-developed resources for use in daily provision of contraceptive counseling.
Watch the whole presentation here!
Registration for the UW Prevention Research Center 2023 Annual Meeting is now open! The UWPRC 2023 Annual Meeting will be held October 24, 2023 from 8:30AM-4:30PM at the Goodman Community Center in Madison, WI.
Jackie Adams, MD, MS, assistant professor in the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, will give a keynote address during the PRC Annual meeting! The purpose of the UWPRC Annual Meeting is to bring together community partners, researchers, practitioners, and students to facilitate growth and collaboration in the areas of health promotion, prevention research, community engagement, and maternal and child health.
RSVP today to hold your spot.
Huge congratulations to Jacquelyn Adams, MD, MS, assistant professor in the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine! Adams passed the ABOG subspecialty boards in maternal-fetal medicine in April 2023.
Adams joined the UW Department of Ob-Gyn faculty in 2020 after completing her maternal-fetal medicine fellowship here. Incredible work, Dr. Adams!
Faculty, residents, fellows, researchers and more brought numerous posters and presentations to the virtual 2021 Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine Annual Meeting at the end of January! Learn more about the wealth of research shared by our colleagues at the conference:
Racial disparities in post-operative pain experience and treatment following cesarean birth
John Poehlmann; Tiffany Green, Katie Antony, Amy Godecker
Trouble with the curve: Is an ultrasound growth curve needed to predict SGA infants?
Bradley Bosse; Jacquelyn Adams, Melissa Meyer, John Poehlmann, Janine Rhoades, Igor Iruretagoyena
Obtaining accurate blood pressures: A quality improvement initiative to increase obstetric nursing knowledge and confidence
Matt Wagar; Jacquelyn Adams, Amy Godecker, Katie Antony
Prediction of vaginal delivery utilizing intrapartum transperineal ultrasound
Stephanie Peace; Melissa Meyer, Jacquelyn Adams, Katie Antony; Luther Gaston
Comparing 32-week vs 36-week growth ultrasound for prediction of LGA infants in obese gravidae
John Poehlmann; Jacquelyn Adams, Melissa Meyer, Jenna Racine, Janine Rhoades, Igor Iruretagoyena
Impact of a Standardized Post-Cesarean Analgesia Regimen on Postpartum Opioid Use
Melissa Meyer; Katie Antony
The impact of pre-existing maternal anxiety on pain and opioid use following cesarean birth
John Poehlmann; Amy Godecker, Katie Antony
Blood pressure pattern of women with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy is highly affected by obesity
Narmin Mukhtarova (MFM research intern); Kara Hoppe co-authored
Postpartum blood pressure of Black women is significantly higher compared to non-Black women
Narmin Mukhtarova (MFM research intern); Kara Hoppe co-authored
Did institutional changes and patient behaviors surrounding COVID-19 affect perinatal outcomes?
Jenna Racine; Igor Iruretagoyena, Kara Hoppe
Distance matters. The effect of distance to the hospital on estimated blood loss.
Kara Hoppe; Alexa Lowry
Blood pressure pattern pre-pregnancy through 42-day postpartum of women with preeclampsia, gestational, and chronic hypertension
Narmin Mukhtarova (MFM research intern); Kara Hoppe
Though the meeting was virtual this year, the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine brought an impressive raft of research to the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine’s 42nd Annual Pregnancy Meeting! Read about some of the incredible posters and presentations they shared at the conference:
Risk calculator for hypertension related postpartum readmission - Jinxin Tao, Yonatan Mintz, Ramsey Larson, Dakota Dalton, Kara Hoppe
(check out the risk calculator, recently published on Dr. Hoppe’s Staying Healthy After Childbirth site!)
A Spatial Approach to Examining Individual and Disparity-Level Factors and Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy - Erin Bailey, Maria Kamenestky, Alexa Lowry, Ronald Gangnon, Kara Hoppe
Is isolated small head circumference at 20 weeks predictive of FGR or SGA at delivery? - Brad Bosse, Madeline Wetterhahn, Erin Bailey, Janine Rhoades, J. Igor Iruretagoyena, Jacquelyn Adams
A Spatial Approach to Examining Individual and Disparity-Level Factors and Birth Outcomes - Alexa Lowry, Maria Kamenetsky, Erin Bailey, Ronald Gangnon, Kara Hoppe
Understanding endothelial dysfunction in preterm preeclampsia with severe features: utility of bedside brachial artery Doppler - Jenna Racine, Ryan Pewowaruk, Alejandro Roldan-Alzate, Ian Bird, Jason Austin, Dinesh Shah, J. Igor Iruretagoyena
Diabetes Distress Scores and Black race predicts poorer diabetes control in third trimester - Jennifer Jacobson, Amy Godecker, Jennifer Janik, April Eddy, Jacquelyn Adams
Is an isolated short femur an indication for growth ultrasounds? - Erin Bailey, Brad Bosse, Madeline Wetterhahn, J. Igor Iruretagoyena, Janine Rhoades, Jacquelyn Adams
Predicting small for gestational age infants: is it time to update the Hadlock model? - Joseph Chou, Brad Bosse, Madeline Wetterhahn, Jacquelyn Adams
Do obese women without comorbid conditions need a growth ultrasound during pregnancy? - Madeline Wetterhahn, Kathleen Antony, Brad Bosse, Jacquelyn Adams
Congratulations to all!
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists held the Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting in San Diego May 6-8, 2022. Faculty, fellows and residents in the UW Department of Ob-Gyn brought many exciting presentations and projects to the conference. Read more about some of their awesome accomplishments:
Division of Academic Specialists in Ob-Gyn Director Makeba Williams, MD gave the Morton and Diane Stenchever Lecture “The Women’s Health Initiative: Controversy, Confusion, Consensus” at the opening of the day on May 8:
“In 2022, is hormone therapy safe? Have we reached a point of consensus? The Women’s Health Initiative hormone therapy trial preliminary results were released summer 2002, completely altering the practice of prescribing hormone therapy to midlife and menopausal women. Controversy and confusion immediately ensued. Attend this thought-provoking session to better understand current recommendations, management strategies and treatment options for menopausal patients.”
Division of Gynecologic Oncology Director Stephen Rose, MD, presented “A Revised Markov Model Evaluating Oophorectomy at the Time of Hysterectomy for Benign Indication”, co-authored by Gynecologic Oncology Fellow Shannon Rush, MD, during a late-breaking abstracts session on May 8.
More posters and presentations:
Black Women With Low Numeracy Fare Worse in Diabetic Pregnancies - Jennifer Jacobson, MD; Amy Godecker, PhD; Jennifer Janik, MD; April Eddy, MS; Jacquelyn Adams, MD
Assessment of In-Hospital Pain Control After Childbirth and Its Correlation With Anxiety in the Postpartum Period – Clara Olson, BS; John Poehlmann, MD; Zachary Stowe, MD; Kathleen Antony, MD
Clinical Application of a Previously Validated Pregnancy-Specific Screening Tool for Sleep Apnea – Kathleen Antony, MD
Operationalizing Aspirin to Reduce Preeclampsia Risk and Related Morbidity and Mortality – Maya Gross, MD; Katherine Sampene, MD
Leveraging Quality Improvement to Promote Health Equity: Prenatal Aspirin Recommendations by Race - Maya Gross, MD; Katherine Sampene, MD
In the Eye of the Beholder: Perspectives of Fellowship Applicants on Virtual Interviews - Christine Heisler, MD
Cost-Effectiveness of Opportunistic Salpingectomy Following Vaginal Delivery for Ovarian Cancer Prevention – Matthew Wagar, MD; Makeba Williams, MD
Incredible work, all!
We are pleased to share that Jackie Adams, MD, MS, assistant professor in the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, was recently named co-chair of the Wisconsin Maternal Mortality Review Team! Adams will co-chair alongside Jasmine Zapata, MD, MPH, assistant professor in the UW SMPH Department of Pediatrics and Chief Medical Officer for Community Health in the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.
The Wisconsin MMRT mission is to increase awareness of the issues surrounding pregnancy-associated deaths and make recommendations to promote change among individuals, communities, and health care systems in order to eliminate preventable maternal deaths among Wisconsin residents.
Congratulations, Dr. Adams!
Faculty, residents, and fellows brought an exciting variety of posters and presentations to the 2023 Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine Annual Pregnancy Meeting February 6-11 in San Francisco! Just some of their incredible accomplishments:
Erin Bailey, MD, MS (MFM fellow) presented “Treatment for mild chronic hypertension during pregnancy: is tighter better?” during an oral plenary session to an audience of more than 3,000 people! The abstract won the Norman F. Gant Award for Best Research in Maternal Medicine.
Scott Infusino, MD (MFM fellow) gave an oral presentation during a Fellow Case session: “Mo' Baby, Mo' Problems”
Kara Hoppe, DO, MS, presented during a Scientific Forum: “The CHAP trial: clinical implications and recommended practice changes”
The department and the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine were also well-represented during poster sessions throughout the conference:
Poster: Does excess gestational weight gain increase the risk for neonatal hypoglycemia? (Erin Bailey, Carrie Sibbald, Janine Rhoades, Jacquelyn Adams)
Poster: Evaluation of a cesarean surgical site infection (SSI) prevention protocol on SSI and neonatal hypoglycemia (Gabrielle Avery, Daniel Shirley, Sarah Gnadt, Dolores Krickl, Kelly Parrette, Kathleen Antony)
Poster: Body mass index and persistent hypertension in patients with hypertension disorders of pregnancy one-year postpartum (Kara Hoppe and MCW co-authors)
Poster: Prediction modeling of postpartum blood pressure spikes and investigation of preventive management strategies (Jinxin Tao, Scott Infusino, Yonatan Mintz, Kara Hoppe)
Poster: Is interpreter use an independent risk factor for small for gestational age infants? (Carrie Sibbald, Amy Godecker, Erin Bailey, Janine Rhoades, Jacquelyn Adams)
Huge congratulations to all involved!
Congratulations to Jackie Adams, MD, MS, assistant professor in the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, who was recently accepted into the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Mixed Methods Research Training Program for the Health Sciences!
The Mixed Methods Research Training Program for the Health Sciences is funded by the National Institutes of Health through the Office of Behavioral and Social Science Research (OBSSR), and is the only program of its kind in the United States. Only 14 scholars are selected to join each year.
During the program, scholars participate in an interactive three-day summer course and online learning communities, connect with mentors who can support their research interests, and more.
Adams is the first ob-gyn selected to participate in this highly competitive program. Incredible work, Dr. Adams!
Jackie Adams, MD, MS, assistant professor in the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, was recently named co-chair of the UW Health/UnityPoint Health-Meriter Maternal and Child Health Steering Group!
The Maternal and Child Health Steering Group is comprised of stakeholders from UW Health and UPH- Meriter in clinical/non-clinical areas such as OB, Pediatrics, Family Medicine, Social Work, Population Health, Healthy Kids Collaborative (School-based initiatives), and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. The group was formed as a strategic initiative in response to the racial inequities in maternal and child health in Dane County identified in the 2019-2021 Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA). The group’s primary objective is to improve health outcomes for babies born to African American birthing persons using a reproductive justice framework.
Congratulations, Dr. Adams!
Congratulations to Jackie Adams, MD, MS, assistant professor in the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, who recently completed a master’s in clinical investigation through the UW Institute for Clinical and Translational Research!
Adams started the master’s program during her time as MFM fellow in our department and continued to work on it when she joined the MFM division faculty. Graduates of the program develop skills in conceptualizing and designing multidisciplinary patient-oriented research protocols, executing multidisciplinary therapeutic intervention studies, interpreting and reporting research findings, and more.
Incredible work, Dr. Adams!
Jacquelyn Adams, MD, assistant professor in the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, and Ritu Bhatnagar, MD, MPH, of the UW SMPH Department of Psychiatry, presented the Ob-Gyn Grand Rounds lecture “Pregnancy and Drug Use: Dispelling the Myths and Understanding Legal Implications” on August 4, 2022.
In the lecture, they explained the benefits of medications for addiction treatment during pregnancy, outlined the importance of sensitive language when working with patients with substance use disorders, and examined the legal ramifications of substance use disorders in pregnancy and what that can mean for care.
Watch the whole presentation here!
A study by Katie Antony, MD, of the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, was published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology – Maternal-Fetal Medicine! Jackie Adams, MD, of the MFM Division, and Laura Jacques, MD, of the Division of Academic Specialists in Ob-Gyn, co-authored the study.
“Lidocaine patches for postcesarean pain control in obese women: a pilot randomized controlled trial” assessed the impact of using lidocaine patches around cesarean incisions in patients with obesity in their overall opioid use.
The pilot study included 61 participants, who were randomized into trial or placebo group. The study assessed cumulative opioid dose within 24 hours after cesarean delivery, as well as pain and patent satisfaction:
“This pilot suggests that 5% lidocaine patches applied superior and lateral to the cesarean incision are not effective at reducing the average total dose of morphine milligram equivalents administered in the first 24 hours after cesarean delivery among women with obesity, and they did not seem to improve median pain scores. An appropriately powered randomized trial would not be expected to demonstrate reduction in opioid use or pain."
Read the whole study here!