Chairs and Professorships

Chairs, professorships, and fellowships are among the most important tools the University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology has to retain the outstanding scholars currently on the faculty, and to recruit new leaders in all fields. Creating a named endowment is one of the effective and meaningful investments a donor can make to ensure that our institution retains its world class standing and continues to pursue the Wisconsin Idea. We are incredibly proud of our growing list of endowments, and appreciative of the generosity of our supporters and community, who understand that healthy women are the foundation of a healthy society.
Ben Miller Peckham, MD, PhD Chair in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Ellen M. Hartenbach, MD
The Ben M. Peckham Chair honor is awarded to an outstanding leader who is recognized for leadership and accomplishment in medical education at medical student, resident and fellowship levels.
Gloria E. Sarto, MD, PhD Chair in Women’s Health and Health Equity Research
Tiffany Green, PhD
The Gloria E. Sarto MD, PhD Chair in Women's Health and Health Equity Research honor an internationally recognized academic leader at the forefront of women's health research. The income from this endowment supports research and education programs, and services that further these scholarly activities.
Jeanne Bissell Professor in Reproductive Justice
Jenny Higgins, PhD, MPH
The Jeanne Bissell Professor will be awarded to a physician faculty member whose main educational focus for faculty, residents, students, and staff, as well as their patient care, is in reproductive justice. Reproductive justice includes, but is not limited to, evidence-based information and access to the full range of healthcare associated with family planning, including pregnancy termination. There should be special attention on adolescents, LBGTQ, women of color and other marginalized and underserved populations.
Dennis and Lynn Christensen Professor in Family Planning
Eliza A. Bennett, MD
Dennis and Lynn Christensen established this endowment to provide financial support and recognition to an academic leader in the field of family planning. This honor goes to the faculty member who is responsible for medical student, resident, and fellow education in contraception, sterilization and pregnancy termination.
John and Jeanne Flesch Professor in Gynecologic Oncology
David M. Kushner, MD
Jeanne and John Flesch established this fund is to provide financial support for an outstanding faculty member in the Division of Gynecologic Oncology who conducts research in the area of gynecologic cancer.
Dolores A. Buchler, MD Professor in Gynecologic Oncology
Lisa M. Barroilhet, MD
Dr. Buchler established this endowed professorship. The purpose of the fund is to support outstanding physicians and scientists in the Division of Gynecologic Oncology focused on research.

Role title: Advancement Manager
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Madison WI 53715
Email: lily.johnson@wisc.edu Phone number: 262-745-1986