The UW-Madison Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology brings in experts from around the country to give special Grand Rounds lectures as part of our endowed lecture series. These speakers present the latest developments in ob-gyn research, education and clinical care. Speakers are invited as part of the Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Leonard Visiting Professor Series.
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Leonard Visiting Professor Series
Dr. Thomas A. and Myrtle Leonard gave a bequest to establish the Leonard Visiting Professors in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Leonard received both his BS and Doctor of Medicine degrees from Madison and was a member of the UW Hospitals and Clinics faculty in Madison from 1931 until his retirement in 1967. A beloved doctor and surgeon, Dr. Leonard dedicated his life to improving the care of women and children. The Leonards’ gift supports distinguished visiting professors who enrich the teaching, research and clinical practice of the Madison obstetrics and gynecology community.