UW Ob-Gyn brings posters, presentations to 2022 SMFM Annual Pregnancy Meeting

Though the meeting was virtual this year, the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine brought an impressive raft of research to the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine’s 42nd Annual Pregnancy Meeting! Read about some of the incredible posters and presentations they shared at the conference:
Risk calculator for hypertension related postpartum readmission - Jinxin Tao, Yonatan Mintz, Ramsey Larson, Dakota Dalton, Kara Hoppe
(check out the risk calculator, recently published on Dr. Hoppe’s Staying Healthy After Childbirth site!)
A Spatial Approach to Examining Individual and Disparity-Level Factors and Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy - Erin Bailey, Maria Kamenestky, Alexa Lowry, Ronald Gangnon, Kara Hoppe
Is isolated small head circumference at 20 weeks predictive of FGR or SGA at delivery? - Brad Bosse, Madeline Wetterhahn, Erin Bailey, Janine Rhoades, J. Igor Iruretagoyena, Jacquelyn Adams
A Spatial Approach to Examining Individual and Disparity-Level Factors and Birth Outcomes - Alexa Lowry, Maria Kamenetsky, Erin Bailey, Ronald Gangnon, Kara Hoppe
Understanding endothelial dysfunction in preterm preeclampsia with severe features: utility of bedside brachial artery Doppler - Jenna Racine, Ryan Pewowaruk, Alejandro Roldan-Alzate, Ian Bird, Jason Austin, Dinesh Shah, J. Igor Iruretagoyena
Diabetes Distress Scores and Black race predicts poorer diabetes control in third trimester - Jennifer Jacobson, Amy Godecker, Jennifer Janik, April Eddy, Jacquelyn Adams
Is an isolated short femur an indication for growth ultrasounds? - Erin Bailey, Brad Bosse, Madeline Wetterhahn, J. Igor Iruretagoyena, Janine Rhoades, Jacquelyn Adams
Predicting small for gestational age infants: is it time to update the Hadlock model? - Joseph Chou, Brad Bosse, Madeline Wetterhahn, Jacquelyn Adams
Do obese women without comorbid conditions need a growth ultrasound during pregnancy? - Madeline Wetterhahn, Kathleen Antony, Brad Bosse, Jacquelyn Adams
Congratulations to all!