Bhagavath discusses endometriosis and infertility in Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

In a recent article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, a Wisconsin woman shares her experience with endometriosis and infertility. UW Ob-Gyn Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Director Bala Bhagavath, MD adds insight into the challenges of endometriosis and the importance of insurance coverage for fertility services in the article.
In “Summit woman shares her story of endometriosis, infertility”, published online for subscribers, Bhagavath describes the difficulties many people experience when trying to find a solution to endometriosis-related pain:
““The sad truth of endometriosis is that very often young girls who complain of pain or painful periods are told that everyone’s periods are painful; just live with it,” said Bala Bhagavath, UW Health fertility clinic’s medical director of Generations Fertility Care.
On average, it takes about 12 years and four doctors to get a diagnosis for endometriosis, which affects one in six women, said Bhagavath.”
Read the whole article here!