CHAP trial awarded trial of the year by Society for Clinical Trials

The Chronic Hypertension And Pregnancy (CHAP) trial, a multisite study led by the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) with a collaborating site at the University of Wisconsin, received the David Sackett Annual Trial of the Year Award from the Society for Clinical Trials!
Kara Hoppe, DO, MS, associate professor in the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, was the lead investigator for the UW arm of the study. The UW site enrolled its first patient in 2017; in 2022, Hoppe co-authored the study’s results in the New England Journal of Medicine.
The Trial of the Year Award recognizes a randomized clinical trial that improves the lot of humankind and provides the basis of a substantial, beneficial change in health care. The CHAP trial, which evaluated the effects of blood pressure medication for pregnant people with mild hypertension, more than meets those criteria, according to this article from UAB:
“Results published in the New England Journal of Medicine in April 2022 showed treatment improved pregnancy outcomes without compromising the baby’s growth and overall health, which was a primary concern for physicians for years. CHAP results have since led to changes in national guidelines.”
Congratulations to Dr. Hoppe and the whole CHAP trial team on this incredible honor! You can read more about the trial and the award in this press release from UAB.