Cutler discusses Convenient Contraception Act in Cap Times

In summer 2023, members of Congress introduced the Convenient Contraception Act, which could require insurers to cover up to a year’s supply of birth control at a time, with the potential of reducing the number of times an individual would need to pick up certain methods of birth control in a year. Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin is a co-sponsor of the bill.
Abigail Cutler, MD, MPH, assistant professor in the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Academic Specialists in Ob-Gyn, spoke with the Cap Times about what the bill could mean for contraceptive access in Wisconsin:
“To Cutler, the benefits of the bill for people seeking birth control in Wisconsin are clear.
“I have seen an uptick anecdotally in the number of patients who come to me seeking contraception, whether reversible contraceptives like pills, patches, rings, or long-acting reversible contraceptive methods like IUDs or the arm implant, or even permanent contraception like sterilization, because of the changes in the laws here in our state,” Cutler said.”
Read the whole article here.