Cutler, Higgins publish in Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health

In new research published in the journal Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, UW Ob-Gyn Assistant Professor Abigail Cutler, MD, UW Collaborative for Reproductive Equity and Division of Reproductive and Population Health Director Jenny Higgins, PhD, MPH, and co-authors use survey data to examine factors associated with physicians' level of concern and perceived consequences of publicly supporting abortion. Co-authors on the publication include postdoctoral research associate Laura Swan, PhD, and CORE Research Program Manager Madison Lands, MSW, MPH.
In “Characterizing physician concerns with publicly supporting abortion at Wisconsin's largest medical school”, the authors evaluated survey responses from physicians who expressed support for abortion to identify their perceived concerns about taking public stances on abortion:
“Nearly a quarter (22%) of respondents felt very or extremely concerned that taking a strong public stance on abortion would alienate patients and 17% felt very or extremely concerned that doing so would alienate coworkers. More than a quarter (27%) felt very or extremely concerned that publicly supporting abortion would lead to harassment or harm. Those with greater concerns about expressing public support for abortion were comparatively less willing to refer for or participate in abortion care themselves.”
Read the whole study here!