Golos, Antony co-author new article on placental gene therapy in primates in Molecular Human Reproduction

Thaddeus G. Golos, PhD, professor of Comparative Bioscience and Obstetrics and Gynecology in the UW Center for Human Genomics and Precision Medicine and the UW Department of Ob-Gyn, along with Kathleen Antony, MD, MS, a former member of the UW Department of Ob-Gyn Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, co-authored a new article in Primates. Other co-authors include Rebecca L. Wilson, Jenna Kropp Schmidt, Baylea N. Davenport, Emily Ren, Logan T. Keding, Sarah A. Shaw, Michele L. Schotzko, and Heather A. Simmons.
In “Placental gene therapy in nonhuman primates: a pilot study of maternal, placental, and fetal response to non-viral, polymeric nanoparticle delivery of IGF1,” the research team sought to understand how the delivery of IGF1 to help with placental insufficiency in small animals could be applied to pregnant macques, in order to shed some light on the lack of placenta-targeted treatments that change the in utero environment for women diagnosed with fetal growth restriction (FGR).
“The lack of adverse maternal reaction to nanoparticle-mediated IGF1 treatment, combined with changes in placental signaling to maintain homeostasis, indicates no deleterious impact of treatment during the acute phase of study.”
You can read the journal article here. The UW-Madison news office also shared an article about the research and its potential future impact here.
**by Ob-Gyn Communications Intern Paige Stevenson