Grand Rounds: Badger Bytes – Industry-Sponsored Trials in Ob-Gyn

On June 1, 2023, three members of the UW Department of Ob-Gyn with expertise in clinical research presented the Grand Rounds Badger Bytes session “Industry-Sponsored Trials in Ob-Gyn.”
Clinical Research Manager Kellie Baumann, MS, presented “Industry-Sponsored Clinical Trials: An Overview”, during which she shared the benefits of participating in industry-sponsored trials.
Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Director Bala Bhagavath, MD, presented “Clinical Trials at Generations Fertility Care”, giving an overview of ongoing trials happening at Generations Fertility Care, providing a look at what it means to be an principal investigator on clinical trials, and sharing criteria for enrollment in ongoing trials at Generations. Bhagavath’s presentation begins at 14:49.
Janelle Sobecki, MD, MS, assistant professor in the Division of Gynecologic Oncology, presented “Clinical Trials for Gynecologic Cancer: A Bird’s Eye View.” In her presentation, Sobecki described the gynecologic oncology clinical trials program at UW and shared the institutional structure of clinical research at the Carbone Cancer Center. Sobecki’s presentation begins at 31:58.
Watch the whole Badger Bytes session here!