Grand Rounds: Powell and Moore present “HIV Care & Prevention in Obstetrics & Gynecology”
On November 30, 2023, UW Ob-Gyn Maternal-Fetal Medicine Fellow Jacqueline Powell, MD, and UW School of Medicine and Public Health Department of Family Medicine and Community Health LGBTQ+ Health Fellow Laurence Moore, MD, presented the Grand Rounds lecture, “HIV Care & Prevention in Obstetrics & Gynecology.”
In the lecture, Powell and Moore described current HIV epidemiological trends within Wisconsin; identified ways of caring for women with HIV, especially during pregnancy; discussed intrapartum management for women living with HIV; compared strategies for HIV transmission prevention; and developed ways to include women in HIV PrEP conversations.
Watch the whole lecture here.
**by Ob-Gyn Communications Intern Paige Stevenson