Green discusses birth cost recovery with Wisconsin Examiner

Tiffany Green, PhD, associate professor in the Division of Reproductive and Population Health, spoke with the Wisconsin Examiner for a recent story about phasing out birth-cost recovery programs across some Wisconsin counties.
In “Milwaukee County stops taking fathers to court to pay back Medicaid for childbirth costs,” Milwaukee County court discussed limiting birth-cost recovery, the Birth Tax, for BadgerCare-covered births.
Milwaukee courts stopped going to court for mothers suing unmarried fathers for birth-cost recovery in 2020, and wants to drop similar cases years prior.
Many critics of the Medicaid program say it is misleading, since the money doesn’t go to families, but instead put toward federal and county government budgets.
“With the caveat that our results of preliminary, we found that BCR cessation was linked to increased probability of paying support to birthing parents (i.e., mothers and other individuals who gave birth), and that the amount of that support increased.”
**by Ob-Gyn Communications Intern Paige Stevenson