Green discusses Black Maternal Health Momnibus on WPR

Tiffany Green, PhD, of the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Reproductive and Population Health, appeared on the Wisconsin Public Radio program Central Time to discuss the federal Black Maternal Health Momnibus legislation, along with Wisconsin Congresswoman Gwen Moore.
In the interview, Green talked about Wisconsin’s maternal mortality and preterm birth inequities, and speculation about what causes the gaps in our state:
“Green said that although the cause of most preterm births isn’t certain, there’s a strong suspicion it’s related to stress.
"You can't have a healthy and uncomplicated pregnancy if you're worried about housing," she said. "Those things matter when it comes to stress … by eliminating the worry about these very basic needs, that might go a long way towards helping to get us to the right path."”
Listen to the whole interview here, and read WPR’s summary article for important context on the legislation.