Green publishes Perspective piece in New England Journal of Medicine

How can economic principles help inform public health policy and address racial health disparities? Tiffany Green, PhD, of the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Reproductive and Population Health answers that question in a Perspective article in the New England Journal of Medicine.
“Trade-offs and Policy Options — Using Insights from Economics to Inform Public Health Policy” highlights the ways economics as a discipline can guide public health measures, using a case from the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic as an example:
“…economics is the study of trade-offs that individuals, institutions, or countries face when making decisions under resource and time constraints. Although public health practitioners and researchers understandably focus primarily on improving health, economists view health as but one, albeit an important, component of what people may value. This insight is a key aspect of economics’ utility for informing public health policy.”
Green also appeared on the NEJM Podcast to discuss the article. You can read the whole article here and listen to her podcast interview here!