Greene published in Wisconsin Medical Journal

A new study by UW Ob-Gyn faculty affiliate Madelyne Greene, PhD, RN (whose primary faculty appointment is in the UW School of Nursing) and several former members of the UW Department of Ob-Gyn was published in the Wisconsin Medical Journal!
In “Difficult Questions With Many Gray Areas: Nuanced Abortion Attitudes Among Physicians”, Greene and co-authors used qualitative survey data to map physicians’ attitudes about abortion:
“Our findings support previous literature suggesting that physicians’ abortion attitudes are not binary and add that nuanced attitudes may be perceived as unwelcome. Acknowledging ambivalence and addressing physicians’ tendency to depersonalize abortion could result in more honest, open, and nuanced discourse and contribute to addressing structural issues that result in poor health outcomes, achieving broader reproductive justice goals, and greater access to abortion services.”
Read the whole study here.