Higgins talks about physician perspectives on abortion with Here and Now

On Wisconsin Public Television’s Here and Now, UW Ob-Gyn Division of Reproductive and Population Health Director and UW Collaborative for Reproductive Equity Director Jenny Higgins, PhD, MPH shared data from a study of physician opinions on abortion.
Higgins joined Here and Now on May 20 to answer questions about how supportive physicians are of abortion access, how they think women’s health would be worse if Roe v. Wade were overturned, and why physicians are wary of legislative interference in health care:
“I think what I took away from that finding was that in general, at least the physicians we surveyed, there was a sense of if — that we as physicians or I as a physician am in the best place to make decisions about healthcare or how healthcare services should occur as opposed to people who don’t have that background. But mostly I think it’s just an indication that physicians in our state want to make sure that they are the ones who are ensuring that healthcare programs occur in a certain way.”
Watch the whole interview here.