Higgins talks contraceptive access issues with Tone

A recent article on Tone Madison covered peoples’ emerging concerns about contraceptive access following the US Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs that struck down Roe v. Wade.
In the article “Contraception has a new weight post-Roe in Madison”, UW Ob-Gyn Division of Reproductive and Population Health and UW Collaborative for Reproductive Equity Director Jenny Higgins, PhD, MPH, talked about an additional challenge many Wisconsinites may encounter when looking for contraceptive care: Catholic-owned health institutions.
“…rural women in Wisconsin are three times more likely than urban women to expect that a Catholic hospital will offer the full range of contraceptive methods. The November 2021 study was published in the journal Contraception.
“This is a huge inequity that affects people in rural parts of our state that are solely served by Catholic health care systems where they can’t just go down the street to a Planned Parenthood,” says Jenny Higgins, an author on the study and a professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at UW-Madison.”
Read the whole article here!