Jacobson reflects on training time, shares what’s next after MFM fellowship

After three years of intense fellowship training in the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Jennifer Jacobson, MD is moving on to the next stage of her career! Jacobson shares what’s next after fellowship, the important lessons she will carry forward, and messages of gratitude for people who shaped her time in Madison.
Where will you be going and what will you be doing after UW Ob-Gyn?
I will be taking a few months off to move and enjoy the summer with my kids. I am thrilled that I will be staying in my home state of Wisconsin to practice and will be joining Maternal-Fetal Medicine at Ascension Health covering the Milwaukee metro area.
What are the most important things you learned during your fellowship?
I had fantastic exposure to complex fetal cases and ultrasound, maternal critical care, bread and butter MFM, surgical cases and deliveries. I learned the importance of interdisciplinary communication and planning for the best patient experience and outcomes.
How do you feel UW Ob-Gyn prepared you for success after fellowship?
UW MFM has given me the foundation and all the tools to succeed in this subspecialty and grow with experience.
What will you miss most about UW Ob-Gyn and/or Madison?
The people! UW has been such an amazing place to work because of the people. I feel so blessed to have worked with fantastic faculty, residents, nurses, clinic staff and sonographers.
Any special shout-outs or thanks to faculty, staff, other trainees who really shaped your time here?
Thank you to my MFM faculty mentor Dr. Stewart who was instrumental in my path to becoming an MFM. Dr. Iruretagoyena and Dr. Rhoades for making fellowship such a great experience and all the MFM Division for their support. I am also going to miss the residents so much! I couldn't have asked for a better group to survive Antepartum with.