Jacques publishes in AJOG

A new article in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology analyzed posts on Reddit to help better document peoples’ decision-making processes regarding abortion modality.
“Medication or surgical abortion? An exploratory study of patient decision making on a popular social media platform”, by Laura Jacques, MD and other researchers from the UW Collaborative for Reproductive Equity, identified common themes related to peoples’ decision-making process about which abortion method to choose, including emotional experiences, structural barriers, and process-related concerns.
“In this exploratory study, similar to in-clinic research with abortion patients, Reddit users deciding on the abortion modality considered method impact on the psychological or physical pain and access to external resources such as finances and transportation. Because of individual variation in preference, access to all medically appropriate abortion methods is essential. Evidence-based information about abortion should be widely available online.”
Read the whole study here.