Leadership transition in the Division of Gynecologic Oncology

Later this fall, the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Gynecologic Oncology will undergo a leadership transition: Stephen Rose, MD, who has served as Division Director of Gynecologic Oncology since 2017, will step down from that role. Dr. Lisa Barroilhet, MD, MS will become the new Division Director on November 13, 2023. Please help us thank Dr. Rose for his steadfast, supportive, and innovative leadership over the last seven years and welcome Dr. Barroilhet to this new position!
Dr. Rose has been an incredible steward of the Division of Gynecologic Oncology during his time in this role. Under his leadership, the division added four faculty and two advanced practice providers and recruited exceptional candidates to the gynecologic oncology fellowship. Dr. Rose cultivated an environment that supported each member of the division in their career goals and aspirations. Faculty in the division have, with Dr. Rose’s support, received R01 grants, taken on prominent leadership roles in our department, institution, and national organizations, and published practice-changing research. His influence is not limited to our department, either – he founded the Heartland Association of Gynecologic Oncology in 2019 to create a space for gynecologic oncology professionals across our region to share research and build connections.
Dr. Rose has long been a sought-after physician and surgeon to patients in our area. He is favored by his patients and referring physicians alike. During his tenure as division director, he implemented clinical changes that better supported patients as well as providers in the department, including enacting sentinel lymph node protocols to improve cancer diagnosis and treatment, and rolling out a new system of call for faculty to improve the division’s efficiency and access.
In 2022, Dr. Rose became the Medical Director for Regional Oncology Services at UW Health. His responsibilities in that role include providing clinical and professional direction for the program; building relationships with regional leadership teams and referring providers; extending research opportunities to regional partners; and more. In 2023, he won the UW Health Regional Services Physician Excellence Award for this important work. I am so pleased that Dr. Rose will remain in our department while he focuses more of his efforts and expands his responsibilities in a larger regional role for UW Health.
Dr. Lisa Barroilhet is more than prepared for the challenge of becoming Division Director. She is a beloved clinician, award-winning researcher, highly regarded educator, and relentless advocate for reproductive health. Dr. Barroilhet demonstrated her leadership competence as Interim Chair of the Department of Ob-Gyn in 2022 – her tireless focus and foresight helped us navigate significant changes in the department following the Dobbs decision as smoothly as possible.
Nationally, Dr. Barroilhet serves in numerous leadership roles, including as Vice Chair and Course Director for Patient Education for the Foundation for Women’s Cancer, as NRG Institutional PI and member of the NRG Development Therapeutics Committee and site PI for several national clinical trials, and as Co-Director for the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists Emerging Clinical Trialists Course.
In addition to her leadership skills, Dr. Barroilhet is a committed researcher with a deep understanding of our institutional and national research platforms. She led the Carbone Cancer Center’s gynecologic oncology disease-oriented team (DOT) for several years, became the Division of Gynecologic Oncology’s director of translational research in 2021, and is principal investigator on several active studies right now.
Dr. Barroilhet has established a reputation in our institution for her remarkable vision, and her ability to smoothly lead successful transformations improving our healthcare programs and patient care. She will be an exceptional Division Director.
Please help us thank Dr. Rose for his many years of outstanding service as Director of the Division of Gynecologic Oncology and congratulate Dr. Barroilhet on this exciting opportunity!