M4s get ready for residency with UW Ob-Gyn intern prep course
In late April 2022, six UW SMPH medical students who matched into ob-gyn residency programs participated in the UW Department of Ob-Gyn’s intern prep course! The course, organized by Laura Jacques, MD, Janet Short, Amanda Wildenberg, Alison Klein, and Jody Silva, helped the students strengthen some basic surgical and medical skills before they start their intern year.
Faculty, residents and fellows from across the department taught workshops on skills like operative vaginal delivery, obstetric emergencies, suturing/knot tying, common clinic problem-based visits, colposcopy, and much more.
Congratulations to medical students Katarina Braun, Leeann Bui, Mitchell Depke, Christina Dudley, Jeannette Larson, and Taylor-Paige Stewart, who will all be moving on to ob-gyn residency this summer. And thanks to all who organized and supported this weeklong experience!