Ong publishes in article in Bioinformatics

Irene Ong, PhD, associate professor in the Division of Reproductive Sciences, is the senior author of a new article published in Bioinformatics. Co-authors include Sean J. McIlwain, Anna Hoefges, Amy K. Erbe, and Paul M. Sondel.

In “Ranking Antibody Binding Epitopes and Proteins Across Samples from Whole Proteome Tiled Linear Peptides,” Ong and co-authors developed HERON, or an R package for Hierarchical antibody binding Epitopes and proteins from linear peptides, in order to study antibody responses that can inform different diagnostics or treatments.

“Our approach estimates significance values at the linear peptide (probe), epitope, and protein level to identify top candidates for validation … which shows HERON’s competitiveness in estimating false discovery rates and finding general and sample-level regions of interest for antibody binding.”

Read the whole article here.

**by Ob-Gyn Communications Intern Paige Stevenson