Racine published in Wisconsin Medical Journal

Jenna Racine, MD, assistant professor in the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, is the lead author on a new study published in the Wisconsin Medical Journal!
In “Perinatal Outcomes Associated With Institutional Changes Early in the COVID-19 Pandemic”, Racine and co-authors (including Maternal-Fetal Medicine Division Director Igor Iruretagoyena, MD, and Kara Hoppe, DO, MS) used a retrospective cohort study of singleton births at one hospital. They compared birth outcomes of a pre-COVID and post-COVID group, finding:
“…significant changes in clinical practice secondary to policy changes and patient behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic. As an institution that globally adopted ARRIVE (A Randomized Trial of Induction Versus Expectant Management) practices, we noted fewer inductions, more women presenting in labor and more women delivering at or after 41 weeks. We also noted a shorter length of hospital stay for the mother-baby dyad. Overall, these changes in clinical practice did not affect perinatal outcomes.”
Read the whole study here!