Senderowicz publishes in Studies in Family Planning

Leigh Senderowicz, ScD, MPH, assistant professor in the Division of Reproductive and Population Health, published an article in Studies in Family Planning about a common indicator in global family planning programs.
In “Assessing the Suitability of Unmet Need as a Proxy for Access to Contraception and Desire to Use It”, Senderowicz and co-authors used survey data from Burkina Faso to understand whether the “unmet need” indicator in family planning programs mapped to peoples’ actual desire to use a method of contraception:
“Results show unmet need has low sensitivity and specificity in differentiating those who lack access and/or who desire to use a method from those who do not. These findings suggest that unmet need is of limited utility to inform family planning programs and may be leading stakeholders to overestimate the proportion of women in need of expanded family planning services.”
Read the whole study here!