Senderowicz publishes study in SSM – Qualitative Research in Health

In a new study in SSM – Qualitative Research in Health, Leigh Senderowicz, ScD, assistant professor in the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Reproductive and Population Health, uses focus group data to assess peoples’ experiences having long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARC) removed when desired.
In previous works, Senderowicz laid out a definition of contraceptive autonomy that includes being able to discontinue an undesired method as a necessary component of autonomy. In ““She told me no, that you cannot change”: Understanding provider refusal to remove contraceptive implants”, Senderowicz and co-author Al Kolenda found this measure of autonomy is not always respected:
“Showing that contraceptive coercion is commonplace at the time of desired method discontinuation for women, these results call for a sweeping shift away from family planning programs that conceptualize method discontinuation as a programmatic failure. The global family planning community must shift both the mentalities and the measurement approaches that characterize method discontinuation as a negative outcome, and instead view method removal as an essential part of any rights-based family planning approach (Senderowicz, 2020). Method discontinuation on request – for any reason or no reason at all – is a key component of contraceptive autonomy.”
Read the whole study here.