Senderowicz to present at Wednesday Nite at the Lab on February 1

Leigh Senderowicz, ScD, MPH, assistant professor in the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Reproductive and Population Health, will share her research at the UW-Madison Science Outreach event Wednesday Nite @ the Lab at 7:00pm on February 1, 2023! More information about the event and how to attend is available here.
In the talk "I Was Obligated to Accept: Coercion and Autonomy in Contemporary Global Family Planning”, Senderowicz will explore the ways that the ideology of fertility reduction permeates the design and quantitative evaluation of contemporary family planning projects, 25 years after the International Conference on Population and Development called for an end to population control. The talk will draw from the Contraceptive Autonomy Study, a project designed to explore various dimensions of autonomy and coercion in family planning and to develop new theories about why and how adverse experiences with contraceptive coercion manifest. This presentation will focus especially on modes of measurement, and the challenges to designing new measures that better assess person-centered and justice-based approaches to contraceptive care.
Wednesday Nite @ The Lab is a free public science series offered every Wednesday night, 50 times a year, starting at 7:00 pm. WN@TL is a research seminar at which researchers share their work in a way geared for a public audience. Learn more and register here!