Spencer co-authors Dean’s Corner article on rural training in Wisconsin Medical Journal
Ryan Spencer, MD, MS, associate professor in the Division of Gynecologic Oncology and Residency Program Director, co-authored an editorial piece in the latest issue of the Wisconsin Medical Journal about the importance of rural physician training with UW SMPH Dean Robert Golden, MD, and Department of Family Medicine and Community Health Assistant Professor Jillian Landeck, MD.
In “Addressing Health Disparities Through Rural Training,” Spencer and co-authors discuss the ongoing challenges to health care access in rural Wisconsin and outline the UW SMPH programs developed to help address the disparities in Wisconsin:
“Many members of the SMPH community have recognized the critical need for a broad spectrum of physicians in rural areas. The school has become a recognized national leader in its support of rural training across multiple specialties. In 2016, the Department of Surgery launched its rural residency track, which places one general surgery resident each year into rural areas of Wisconsin for 12 months of training. In 2017, the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology began the nation’s first rural track in this field; trainees in this track gain six months of rural experience. Funding opportunities through the Wisconsin Rural Physician Residency Assistance Program allow for the creation and ongoing support of rural residency tracks across Wisconsin.”
Read the whole article here!