Stanic, Ong Labs publish in the Journal of Immunology

A new study in collaboration between the Stanic and Ong research groups in the UW Department of Ob-Gyn will be published in the July 2023 issue of the Journal of Immunology!
“Proteogenomic and V(D)J Analysis of Human Decidual T Cells Highlights Unique Transcriptional Programming and Clonal Distribution”, by Deborah A. Chasman; Rene Welch Schwartz; Jessica Vazquez; Melina Chavarria; Eryne T. Jenkins; Gladys E. Lopez; Chanel T. Tyler; Aleksandar K. Stanic; Irene M. Ong, uses multiomics analysis to reveal regulation of fetal–maternal immune coexistence. The study was selected by the Journal of Immunology editors as a Top Read for the upcoming July issue. The study and its authors will be featured on the Journal of Immunology social media.
The Journal of Immunology is a preeminent basic science journal in the field, and to have the journal choose to feature translational or clinical-adjacent work is truly an exceptional honor.
You can see the study here; keep an eye on the Journal of Immunology Twitter for the future posts about this study and these incredible research teams!