Wang published in Gynecologic Oncology Reports
UW Ob-Gyn resident Connor Wang, MD is lead author on a new article published in Gynecologic Oncology Reports! Wang’s mentor on this project (and senior author on the publication) is UW Ob-Gyn Division of Gyencologic Oncology Director Steve Rose, MD.
“Adaptive and maladaptive humor styles are closely associated with burnout and professional fulfillment in members of the Society of Gynecologic Oncology” used a survey of members of the Society of Gynecologic Oncology to assess individual humor styles and their connection to burnout. Humor styles (including adaptive styles and maladaptive styles) were assessed using the validated Humor Styles Questionnaire, and professional fulfillment (PF) and burnout (BO) were assessed using the Professional Fulfillment Index. The study examined responses from faculty, advanced practice providers, fellows, and residents:
“Clinically, our findings suggest the possibility of humor-based interventions to address BO and improve PF in SGO members. Humor-based interventions could be humor-based positive psychology interventions (PPIs) or workshops. Humor-based PPIs can enhance psychological and emotional wellbeing, life satisfaction, mood, and lower depressive feelings. (Wellenzohn et al., 2018) They can also increase participants’ sense of humor. (Wellenzohn et al., 2018)…Our results further indicated that trainees were more likely than faculty and APP to employ aggressive and self-defeating humors, and trainees experienced significantly lower PF than did faculty. Therefore, trainees may benefit most from humor-based interventions.”
Read the whole study here.