Williamson discusses CORE’s research with Daily Cardinal

Amy Williamson, MPP, associate director for the UW Collaborative for Reproductive Equity, spoke with the Daily Cardinal for a recent story about how their research shifted after the Dobbs decision overturned Roe v. Wade.

In “UW-Madison expert stresses important of abortion access, urging voter action through research,” Williamson mentioned how CORE research into a post-Dobbs landscape contributed to negative situations for women like increases in pregnancy-related mortality, immediate and long-lasting mental health issues, more chronic health problems, greater intimate partner violence, and restricted opportunities for educational, career, and life aspirational achievements.

“We want to be a trusted source of evidence,” Williamson said. “Our reason for being is that our work helps decision-makers, policymakers and just regular people like you and me make informed decisions, and informed decisions includes people's assessment of the issues that matter.”

You can read the full article here.

**by Ob-Gyn Communications Intern Paige Stevenson