Women’s Healthcast: Equity and Access in Fertility Care

In early April 2023, the World Health Organization released a new report that suggests one in six adults – or roughly 17.5% of the world’s adult population – will be affected by infertility in their lifetime. Despite how common infertility is, access to treatment in the United States is inconsistent.
During National Infertility Awareness Week, the Women’s Healthcast focused on equity and access in the infertility world. In an interview, Dr. Kate Schoyer, a reproductive endocrinology and infertility specialist in the Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Ob-Gyn, discussed whether everyone in the U.S. has equitable access to fertility care, what kinds of barriers may stand in the way of building a family, and what would need to change to make sure that those one in six adults can take advantage of needed fertility services.
In the second half of the episode, a Wisconsin couple – Karron and Brian – talked about how the financial realities of fertility care in the U.S. impacted their treatment journey.
Listen to Equity and Access in Fertility Care now!
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