Portrait of Joanne Rash
Joanne Rash, PA
Physician Assistant - Surgical
Gynecologic Oncology

Office Address

UW Hospital and Clinics
600 Highland Ave
Madison, WI, 53792

Clinic Address

Gynecology Oncology Clinic
600 Highland Ave
Madison, WI, 53705
Phone: 608-265-1700

Department of Ob-Gyn helps raise cancer research funds at Badger Challenge

The 2023 Badger Challenge, the annual walk, run, and bike event that raises funds for cancer research at UW–Madison, took place on September 24, 2023. Many members of the UW Department of Ob-Gyn supported the event, which raised nearly $1 million for research.

Angie Sergeant, NP, Division of Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery, Joanne Rash, PA, Division of Gynecologic Oncology, Laura Kwitek, DNP, and Kristina Krueger, NP, both members of the Division of Academic Specialists in Ob-Gyn, shared photos from their APP team at the event.

Thanks to all who participated to support this worthy cause!

UW Ob-Gyn presentations at 2023 Society of Gynecologic Oncology conference

UW Ob-Gyn faculty, advanced practice providers, fellows, and residents prepared an impressive slate of presentations and posters, and served in key leadership roles, for the 2023 Society of Gynecologic Oncology Annual Meeting on Women’s Cancer! Here are just some of their exciting contributions to the conference, which took place March 25-28, 2023 in Tampa, FL:

Associate Proefssor Lisa Barroilhet, MD, MS:

Vice Chair of the Patient Education Committee

Professor Ellen Hartenbach, MD:

Poster: “The genomic profile of high-grade serous ovarian cancer and the association with platinum-resistance”

Poster: “Thromboembolic Events in Gynecologic Cancer Patients Treated with Chemotherapy”

Ob-Gyn Resident Rachel Mojdehbakhsh, MD:

Poster: “Radical hysterectomy case volume and cervical cancer treatment in the era of COVID-19: A multi-institutional analysis” 

Gynecologic Oncology Fellow Lauren Montemorano, MD:

Poster: “Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship Recruitment in the Virtual Era: An Evaluation of Program Websites and Survey of Applicant Preferences” (Lauren Montemorano MD, Connor C Wang MD, Ankitha Madde MD, J Stuart Ferriss MD, Bunja J Rungruang MD, Ryan Spencer MD, MS)

Poster: “The genomic profile of high-grade serous ovarian cancer and the association with platinum-resistance” (Lauren Montemorano MD, Jessica D Lang PhD, Zoey Shultz BA, Alma Farooque BA, Meredith Hyun MS, Richard Chappell PhD, Ellen Hartenbach MD)

Poster: “A comparison of early-occurring and late-occurring incisional hernias after trans-umbilical versus circumbilical midline laparotomy in gynecologic oncology patients” (Connor C Wang, Alexandra Andes, Aaditi Naik, Lauren Montemorano, Ahmed Al-Niaimi)

Joanne Rash, PA:

Special Interest Session for Allied Health Professionals: Provider Wellbeing: Hope to be Found

Rash finished her board terms as the first elected APP representative on the SGO board!

Professor Stephen Rose, MD:

Poster: “Radical hysterectomy case volume and cervical cancer treatment in the era of COVID-19: A multi-institutional analysis”

Associate Professor Ryan Spencer, MD, MS:

Spencer was selected to serve as the SGO representative on the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists’ political action committee (Ob-GynPAC).

Spencer received the Congressional Ambassador Award, given annually to SGO members who have worked hard to educate our elected and appointed officials in Washington, DC, to promote health care policy changes and annual federal funding increases to positively impact the field of gynecologic oncology and the women who are impacted with gynecologic cancer malignancies.

Chair, SGO Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Committee

Co-Lead, Gynecologic Oncology Standardized Letter of Evaluation (SLOE) Task Force

Poster: “Gynecologic oncology fellowship recruitment in the virtual era: an evaluation of program websites and survey of applicant preferences.” (Senior author on this multi-institutional project with Johns Hopkins, Duke, and Medical College of Georgia.)

Presentations during SGO Program Directors Network meeting:

Gynecologic Oncology SLOEs

Updates from the ABOG Reproductive Health Summit

Associate Professor Sumer Wallace, MD, MS:

Serves on Policy, Quality, & Outcomes task force for the Health Policy and Socioeconomic committee

Ob-Gyn Resident Connor Wang, MD:

Poster: “A Comparison of Early-Occuring and Late-Occuring Incisional Hernias After Trans-Umbilical Versus Circumbilical Midline Laparotomy in Gynecologic Oncology Patients”

Gynecologic Oncology Fellow Catherine Zhang, MD, MPH:

Featured Oral Poster Session: “A Quality Improvement Project to Implement Oral Anticoagulant Thromboprophylaxis in Ambulatory Gynecologic Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy”

Congratulations to all on this incredible showing!

Rash, Peterson, Sobecki, Kushner publish in Supportive Care in Cancer

​The UW Women’s Integrative Sexual Health (WISH) Clinic team of Joanne Rash, PA, Megan Peterson, DNP, Janelle Sobecki, MD, and David Kushner, MD published a new article in the journal Supportive Care in Cancer.

In “Patient reported improvement in sexual health outcomes following care in a sexual health clinic for women with cancer", Rash and co-authors aimed to determine the impact of interventions provided in the WISH Clinic. They found:

“Women with cancer report integrative sexual health care to address sexual health problems that are helpful and result in long-term improvement. Patients are overall highly adherent to recommended therapies, and nearly all would recommend the program to others."

Read the whole study here!

Congratulations to UW Health APP Excellence award nominees!

Please help us congratulate the incredible UW Ob-Gyn advanced practice providers who were nominated for 2022 UW Health Advanced Practice Provider Excellence Awards!

Ann Baggot, WHNP, Division of Academic Specialists in Ob-Gyn – nominated for the Excellence in Teaching Award

Angela Sergeant, NP, Division of Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery – nominated for the Unsung Hero Award

Joanne Rash, PA-C, Division of Gynecologic Oncology – nominated for Leadership Award

Congratulations! We’re thrilled to see so many UW Ob-Gyn providers represented in the nomination list!

Grand Rounds: Badger Bytes presentations on UW Ob-Gyn and Sexual Health Research

On May 12, 2022, several presenters shared updates on sexual health research and resources in the UW Department of Ob-Gyn during the Badger Bytes Grand Rounds presentation “UW Ob-Gyn and Sexual Health Research”.

The six presentations were:

Sex Therapy: Understanding Its Utility in Improving Patient Outcomes (presented by Madelyn Esposito-Smith, LPC)

Choosing the Right Vaginal Moisturizer and Lubricants for Your Patients (presented by Jon Pennycuff, MD, MSPH)

DaneMAC Mobile Forensic Nurse Exams – University Health Services (presented by Mary Landry, MD)

Cancer and Sexual Health: Clinical Need and Outcome Measures (presented by Joanne Rash, PA-C)

Cancer and Sexual Health: Collaborative Academic Partnership (presented by Janelle Sobecki, MD)

Cancer and Sexual Health: Setting Standards and Generating Evidence (presented by David Kushner, MD)

Watch the whole Badger Bytes presentation here!

UW Ob-Gyn presentations at 2022 Society of Gynecologic Oncology conference

Members of the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Gynecologic Oncology, fellows and residents prepared an impressive slate of posters and presentations for the 2022 Society of Gynecologic Oncology Annual Meeting on Women’s Cancer! Take a look at just some of the research brought to the hybrid conference, as well as the variety of service and leadership roles held by members of our department:

Ahmed Al-Niaimi, MD:

Master Class: Optimize and Operate: Enhancing Perioperative Quality, Safety, Experience, and Outcomes

Master Class: Debulk and Deliver: A Virtual Live-Streamed Master Class with Optional Hands-On Cytoreductive Surgery Lab 

Oral Plenary Presentation: Mechanical bowel preparation and post-operative renal dysfunction in patients undergoing cytoreductive surgery for ovarian cancer

Lisa Barroilhet, MD, MS:

Distillation: On-Demand Oral Featured Posters: Novel Therapies, PROs, and Disparities in Care

Special Interest Session: Curriculum for Emerging Clinical Trialists (Dr. Barroilhet is course director for this session)

Vice-Chair of the Patient Education Committee

Katherine Dryer, MD:

Poster: Outpatient palliative care utilization and aggressiveness of end-of-life care in women with gynecologic cancers (authors Kathryn Dryer MD, Janelle Sobecki MD, Michael Lasarev MS, Lena Law BA, Anna Stecher MD, Ellen Hartenbach MD)

Maya Gross, MD, MPH:

Poster: Risk factors associated with distress among postoperative patients in an academic gynecologic oncology practice

Ellen Hartenbach, MD:

Symposium: Wake to Wellness: Beating Burnout Through Better Patient Communication (Hartenbach presented “Mitigating Burnout Through Effective Communication Techniques”)

Palliative Medicine Committee 

Clinical Practice Committee

David Kushner, MD:

Finance Committee

Wellness Committee (Chair)

Developed two “Wake to Wellness” Sessions based on SGO Wellness Curriculum that was just published:

Managing Priorities 

Moving from Surviving to Thriving (Kushner will present as part of this session)

Senior author on Surgical Innovation presentation “Beneath the Surface: Fluorescein mapping in vulvar Paget’s Disease” given by Gyn Onc fellow Catherine Zhang, MD

Joanne Rash, PA:

Attending the SGO Board meeting (virtually), and will start her board term as the first-ever APP representative on the SGO board

Stephen Rose, MD:

Co-Chair of the Fellowship Program Directors Network and will be leading the annual meeting Thursday night. 

Hosting the UW Fellow Alumni Reception Sunday night

Senior author on Connor Wang’s study: Adaptive and maladaptive humor styles are closely associated with burnout and professional fulfillment in members of the Society of Gynecologic Oncology

Shannon Rush, MD:

Poster: Hormone replacement therapy counseling at prophylactic bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy in high risk patients

Janelle Sobecki, MD:

Poster: Risk factors associated with distress among postoperative patients in an academic gynecologic oncology practice (Maya Gross, Sumer Wallace - Senior)

Poster: Outpatient Palliative Care Utilization and Aggressiveness of End-of-Life Care in Women with Gynecologic Cancers (Kathryn Dryer, Ellen Hartenbach – Senior)

Sumer Wallace, MD:

Serves on Policy, Quality, & Outcomes task force for the Health Policy and Socioeconomic committee

Connor Wang, MD:

Poster: Adaptive and maladaptive humor styles are closely associated with burnout and professional fulfillment in members of the Society of Gynecologic Oncology

Catherine Zhang, MD:

Poster: Thromboembolic events in gynecologic cancer patients treated with chemotherapy (authors R. Zhang, MD; T. Stewart, BS; K. Tetreault, MS; R. Alexandridis, PhD; J. Bergsbaken, PharmD;  S. Wallace, MD; D. Kushner, MD;E. Hartenbach, MD)

Farr Nezhat Session Surgical Innovation Session: How Surgical Futurists are Revolutionizing Cancer Care (Zhang presented “Beneath the Surface: Fluorescein mapping in vulvar Paget’s Disease”)

Congratulations to all for these incredible achievements!

Peterson and Rash present at national SGO Allied Health Professionals Meeting

The Society of Gynecologic Oncology hosted the SGO Allied Health Professionals Meeting in October, and two members of the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Gynecologic Oncology presented at the conference!

On October 9, Megan Peterson, NP presented the session “Sexual Health”, focused on sexual health issues that gynecologic oncology patients encounter as a result of treatment and some communication strategies for how to discuss these issues with the patient.

On October 10, Joanne Rash, PA presented on the Special Interest Group panel “Responding to Microaggressions.” The interactive panel discussion covered gender equity and microaggressions in healthcare, defined terms, used case studies and real-life experiences, and provided frameworks for response. The conversation was aimed at helping attendees understand microaggressions and how to respond to them, especially in the workplace.

Incredible work, Megan and Joanne!

WISH Clinic team publishes article in Journal of the Advanced Practitioner in Oncology

A new article co-authored by Joanne Rash, PA-C, Megan Peterson, DNP, Janelle Sobecki, MD, and David Kushner, MD was published in the Journal of the Advanced Practitioner in Oncology!

Development, Implementation, and Patient Perspectives of the Women’s Integrative Sexual Health Program: A Program Designed to Address the Sexual Side Effects of Cancer Treatment” outlines the creation of the UW Carbone Cancer Center’s Women’s Integrative Sexual Health Clinic, which was created in 2013 by Rash and Lori Seabourne, PA-C. The publication also shares results from a patient experience survey:

“When asked how helpful their experience in the WISH program was, 99 of 113 (88%) reported that it was at least somewhat helpful. Seventy-five out of 110 (68%) said their experience in the WISH program improved their overall sexual function. Eighty out of 112 (71%) thought their sexual function would be worse if they had not been seen in the WISH program. Almost all (95%) reported they would recommend the WISH program to other women.”

Read the whole publication here. Congratulations to the WISH team!

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