Research and updates from Sathish Kumar, PhD!
There are several exciting updates from Sathish Kumar, PhD, professor in the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Division of Reproductive Sciences!On May 31, 2024, Kumar met with Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin’s office to discuss the effects of perfluoroalkyl and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) on pregnanc...
Division of Reproductive Sciences prepares impressive slate of research for Society for Reproductive Investigation conference
The 2022 Society for Reproductive Investigation’s Annual Scientific Meeting, held in Denver, CO between March 15-19, features several presentations, posters and abstracts from members of the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Reproductive Sciences! Just some of their exciting accomplishments:Clinical and Translational Perinatology Oral Presentation:Breastfeeding Promotes Predominant Bifi...