Browse by Last Name

Browsing directory by: Reproductive and Population Health


Portrait of Tiffany Green

Tiffany Green, PhD

Associate Professor

Portrait of Leigh Senderowicz

Leigh Senderowicz, ScD, MPH

Assistant Professor


Generic placeholder image for Guadalupe Aguilera

Guadalupe Aguilera

Postdoctoral Trainee

Generic placeholder image for Jane Seymour

Jane Seymour

CORE Research Scientist

Generic placeholder image for Laura Swan

Laura Swan

Scientist I


Portrait of Stefanie Eggers

Stefanie Eggers

Medical Program Assistant

Portrait of Meghan Lepisto

Meghan Lepisto

CORE Communications Manager

Portrait of Klaira Lerma

Klaira Lerma, MPH

Clinical Research Manager

Generic placeholder image for Zakiyyah Sorensen

Zakiyyah Sorensen, RN, BSN

CORE Outreach Manager

Portrait of Mfonobong Ufot

Mfonobong Ufot

Research Program Coordinator

Portrait of Amy Williamson

Amy Williamson, MPP

CORE Associate Director