Training Grant Core

Welcome to the Department of Ob-Gyn Research Training Grant Core! Our mission is to support students, post-doctorates, and faculty on their paths to becoming independent and accomplished researchers. We aim to identify and facilitate stage-specific training opportunities across research in the department, provide support for internal and grant-funded training programs, and coordinate orientation and onboarding for new and transitioning folks in the department. We also aim to contribute expert knowledge for university, school, and department policies and procedures related to non-clinical student learners and to assist the department in collecting information related to research students and activities.
Over time, we will develop a coordinated and stage-appropriate spectrum of research and training activities and programs that enhance the training experience in the department, bolster the competitiveness of our research grant submissions, and strengthen ties and collaborations across the department. We will also pursue more funding opportunities to grow our training programs, to further facilitate continuous movement through our research career training pathway. We have several programs already underway, and a list of our services relating to research student learners in the department is available on this page. Please check back now and again to see how we grow our training core services for you.
Our Services
- Supports the department's NIH/NICHD (Eunice Kennedy Schriver National Institute of Child Health & Human Development) training grants, including grant and program administration
- ERP predoctoral training grant (grant number: T32HD041921; PI: Ian Bird)
- iPEnd postdoctoral training grant (grant number T32HD1013840; PI: Ian Bird, Co-PI: Jon Levine)
- Assists with T32 applications, including trainee and faculty records; data tables; budgets; training outcomes; and text
- Tracks graduate students and postdoctoral scholars in the department
- Coordinates student payments
- Maintains trainee and program records, monitors trainee progress
- Consults on student- and training-related policies and procedures
- Coordinates training events
- Partners with other cores for research student and faculty onboarding