Heather B Neuman, Lee G Wilke, Laura M Bozzuto, Lacey Stelle, David Melnick, Mai Elezaby, Ryan W Woods, Peter Chase, Stephanie McGregor, Jo Harter, Paul Weissman, Caprice C Greenberg, Elizabeth Burnside, Amy M Fowler, Wendy B DeMartini, Lonie R Salkowski, Roberta M Strigel
CONCLUSION: We leveraged input from key stakeholders to develop clinical guidelines to support the multidisciplinary management of patients with high-risk breast lesions. Our guidelines have been successfully implemented across our academic and community practice. Future steps will assess the impact of implementation on clinical outcomes.
Published: 11/10/2024
Clinical breast cancer pmid:39523128
Alyssa A Wiener, Jessica R Schumacher, Scott B Perlman, Lee G Wilke, Meeghan A Lautner, Laura M Bozzuto, Bret M Hanlon, Heather B Neuman
CONCLUSION: In this randomized trial, no differences in patient-reported pain or satisfaction with treatment was observed between ice and other topical treatments. Providers found treatments using Buzzy^(®) more difficult to administer. Given patient satisfaction and ease of administration, ice is a reasonable standard.
Published: 04/01/2024
Annals of surgical oncology pmid:38557909
Caroline A King, Guy Shaposhnik, Adaah A Sayyed, Alex J Bartholomew, Laura M Bozzuto, Michael Sosin, Ian T Greenwalt, Kenneth L Fan, David Song, Eleni A Tousimis
CONCLUSIONS: Based on similar complication profiles in both age groups, we demonstrate safety and feasibility of both NSM and IBR in the aging population. Despite increased age and comorbidity status, appropriately selected older women were able to achieve similar outcomes to younger women undergoing NSM with or without IBR.
Published: 02/23/2024
Annals of plastic surgery pmid:38394268
Sudheer R Vemuru, Michael Bronsert, Kristen Vossler, Victoria D Huynh, Laurel Beaty, Gretchen Ahrendt, Jaime Arruda, Christodoulos Kaoutzanis, Kristin E Rojas, Laura Bozzuto, Simon Kim, Sarah E Tevis
CONCLUSIONS: While costs were similar, coordinating breast surgery with BSO was associated with more complications in patients who underwent mastectomy, but not in patients who underwent lumpectomy. These data should inform shared decision-making in high-risk patients.
Published: 06/19/2023
Annals of surgical oncology pmid:37336806
Expert Panel on Breast Imaging, Matthew F Sanford, Priscilla J Slanetz, Alana A Lewin, Arnold M Baskies, Laura Bozzuto, Susan A Branton, Jessica H Hayward, Huong T Le-Petross, Mary S Newell, John R Scheel, Richard E Sharpe, Gary A Ulaner, Susan P Weinstein, Linda Moy
The type of nipple discharge dictates the appropriate imaging study. Physiologic nipple discharge is common and does not require diagnostic imaging. Pathologic nipple discharge in women, men, and transgender patients necessitates breast imaging. Evidence-based guidelines were used to evaluate breast imaging modalities for appropriateness based on patient age and gender. For an adult female or male 40 years of age or greater, mammography or digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) is performed...
Published: 11/27/2022
Journal of the American College of Radiology : JACR pmid:36436958
Laura M Bozzuto
Women at increased risk of breast cancer have options to mitigate that risk. Understanding factors that increase risk and utilizing tools for quantitative estimates are important to be able to adequately counsel and target strategies for patients. On the basis of these estimates, patients may be able to engage in risk reduction interventions and increased screening, including chemoprevention or surgical risk reduction. Multiple organizations have published guidelines supporting risk assessment,...
Published: 01/07/2022
Best practice & research. Clinical obstetrics & gynaecology pmid:34991977
Laura M Bozzuto, Alex J Bartholomew, Shawndeep Tung, Michael Sosin, Stuti Tambar, Solange Cox, Idanis M Perez-Alvarez, Caroline A King, Mabel C Chan, Troy A Pittman, Eleni A Tousimis
CONCLUSION: Following mastectomy, PP breast reconstruction results in significantly reduced pain, opioid use, and hospital LOS compared with SP reconstruction.
Published: 01/16/2021
Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery : JPRAS pmid:33451949
David Chelmow, Mark D Pearlman, Amy Young, Laura Bozzuto, Sandra Dayaratna, Myrlene Jeudy, Mallory Kremer, Dana Marie Scott, Julia Sage O'Hara
No abstract
Published: 08/23/2020
Obstetrics and gynecology pmid:32826586
Caroline A King, Idanis M Perez-Alvarez, Alex J Bartholomew, Laura Bozzuto, Kayla Griffith, Michael Sosin, Renee Thibodeau, Sumeet Gopwani, Joseph Myers, Kenneth L Fan, Eleni A Tousimis
Opioid-free anesthesia (OFA) is being implemented in breast surgery due to increased awareness of adverse effects and the national opioid crisis. The objective of this study was to examine the effect of OFA on postoperative pain and postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) in mastectomy patients. A single-institution matched-cohort study was conducted from 2014 to 2017 on 48 women undergoing mastectomy, with the majority also undergoing immediate prosthetic-based reconstruction. Patients...
Published: 08/09/2020
The breast journal pmid:32767477
David Chelmow, Mark D Pearlman, Amy Young, Laura Bozzuto, Sandra Dayaratna, Myrlene Jeudy, Mallory E Kremer, Dana Marie Scott, Julia Sage O'Hara
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention launched the Bring Your Brave campaign to increase knowledge about early-onset breast cancer, defined as breast cancer in women aged 18-45 years. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists convened a panel of experts in breast disease from the Society for Academic Specialists in General Obstetrics and Gynecology to review relevant literature, validated tools, best practices, and practice guidelines as a first step toward developing...
Published: 05/28/2020
Obstetrics and gynecology pmid:32459439
Maria C Masciello, Alex J Bartholomew, Michelle Haslinger, Laura M Bozzuto, Shawndeep S Tung, Renee Thibodeau, Ekaterini V Tsiapali
CONCLUSIONS: Fertility preservation is an integral aspect of breast cancer care, requiring thorough discussion and clear documentation. This study identified that physicians believe the medical oncologist is the most appropriate person to have FPDs with patients and that empowering patients to bring up fertility concerns may improve rates of FPDs. Education of physicians and patients about fertility preservation techniques is likely to improve FPDs.
Published: 07/26/2019
Annals of surgical oncology pmid:31342399
Alexander Y Yoon, Laura Bozzuto, Andrew J Seto, Carla S Fisher, Abhishek Chatterjee
No abstract
Published: 06/23/2019
Annals of surgical oncology pmid:31228132
Alexander Y Yoon, Laura Bozzuto, Andrew J Seto, Carla S Fisher, Abhishek Chatterjee
CONCLUSIONS: A reliable body of utility scores is important in enabling future cost-utility and value-based analysis comparisons for breast surgical oncology. Additional work is needed to obtain health state assessments from the patient perspective, as well as assessment of more modern surgical and reconstructive approaches.
Published: 01/24/2019
Annals of surgical oncology pmid:30673898
Laura Bozzuto, Molly Passarella, Scott Lorch, Sindhu Srinivas
CONCLUSION: Patients with high-risk medical and surgical conditions had decreasing adverse maternal outcomes as total obstetric delivery volume increased. There were increased odds of adverse maternal outcomes in centers with high volumes of high-risk patients. These two types of volume had significant combined effect on maternal risk. Both types of volume should be considered in assessing hospital obstetric performance.
Published: 01/12/2019
Obstetrics and gynecology pmid:30633129
Michael V DeFazio, Ornela A Dervishaj, Laura M Bozzuto, Troy A Pittman, Michael J Olding, Eleni A Tousimis, Shawna C Willey
No abstract
Published: 02/25/2018
Clinical breast cancer pmid:29475749