Meet the Residency Program

Role title: Residency Program Director

Bridget Kelly, MD is the Residency Program Director and faculty in the Division of Academic Specialists in Obstetrics and Gynecology. She grew up in a small town in Wisconsin and is a life-long Wisconsin Badger.

Dr. Kelly attended the University of Wisconsin for undergraduate studies and went to medical school at the Medical College of Wisconsin. She completed residency training at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas and then joined the faculty at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University as an Academic Specialist in General Obstetrics and Gynecology. There, Dr. Kelly became Associate Program Director for the Residency Program.

Dr. Kelly enjoyed her time in the South and Northeast but she was eager to return home to Wisconsin. She joined faculty here at UW in 2019 and was the Associate Program Director for the residency until she became Program Director in 2023. Dr. Kelly has special clinical interest in pediatric and adolescent gynecology and research interests in topics regarding graduate medical education. She lives in Madison with her husband and their two children.

Role title: Associate Program Director

Dr. Caroline Cox is currently an Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology in the Division of Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery at the University of Wisconsin, where she teaches residents and fellows. She formerly spent three years on the faculty at University of Pennsylvania in a similar role, where she received the CREOG faculty award for Excellence in Resident Education, as well as the APGO Faculty Award for Excellence in Medical Student Education. She completed fellowship training in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery at the University of Michigan. She attended the University of Pennsylvania for her undergraduate education, where she graduated summa cum laude. She then completed medical school at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania before ob-gyn residency at the University of Wisconsin.

Role title: Associate Program Director

Abigail (Abby) Cutler, MD, MPH, specializes in obstetrics and benign gynecology with a focus on family planning and contraception. Dr. Cutler is an expert in complex contraception, abortion care, and management of early pregnancy problems. She is certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology in both general obstetrics and gynecology as well as in the subspecialty of Complex Family Planning. Dr. Cutler earned a bachelor’s degree from Brown University, a medical degree from the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, and a Master’s in Public Health from the Yale School of Public Health. She completed both her ob-gyn residency and fellowship in Complex Family Planning at the Yale School of Medicine and is currently an Assistant Professor in the division of Academic Specialists in Ob-Gyn at the UW School of Medicine and Public Health. In addition to her clinical practice, Dr. Cutler is an Associate Program Director of the Ob-Gyn Residency, director of UW's Ryan Residency Training Program in Family Planning, and conducts research on the impact of the Dobbs decision on the practice and experience of physicians in Wisconsin who provide pregnancy care and on graduate medical education in ob-gyn.

Residents enjoying Madison activities

Resident Retreat

Each year the entire residency is covered to attend the annual Wisconsin ACOG conference which takes place in one of the many vacation destinations around Wisconsin. Beyond attending the conference, we get to spend the weekend with our entire residency learning, advocating, and spending time together!

Class Retreats

Each class has a weekend long retreat where all the residents have both time off and funding. Classes have gone to cabins in the woods, lakeside retreats, and throughout Madison. These weekends allow for connection, time together, and reflection.

Winter Retreat

Each winter, the residents have a morning off and funding to reconnect, refresh, and reflect together. This usually involves going out to breakfast together and games.

Wellness Activities

Throughout the year the residents create a community for each other with formal and organic events. From an annual winter present exchange to team scrubs caps, resident wellness is at the forefront and takes many forms.

Collage of three images showing UW Department of Ob-Gyn DEI events

The University of Wisconsin Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology recognizes that diversity is a source of strength, creativity and innovation and is committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive community for all our residents. Our efforts to recruit and retain a diverse residency program are informed by our resident-led and faculty-led committees on diversity, equity, and inclusion and supported by initiatives at the UW School of Medicine and Public Health and UW Health.

John Gravelle headshot

John Gravelle, MD

Hometown: Merrill, WI

Undergrad: UW-Madison. With a music degree in vocal's journey sure is interesting!

Medical school: University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

Favorite activity in Madison so far? My favorite activity is going to concerts at the great musical venues Madison has to offer. 

If I weren’t a doctor…I would work in the coffee industry. I read about coffee roasters who travel to coffee producing farms all over the world, and think what a wild adventure that would be. Plus, I would never be without a good cup of coffee.

Why UW? I was drawn to UW by the people. The program is so intentionally supportive of both my training to become the highest caliber Ob-Gyn possible and my personal growth as an individual. I feel incredibly fortunate to be part of such a great family!

Jackie Luthardt headshot

Jackie Luthardt, MD - Rural Track

Hometown: Kingsford, MI

Undergrad: Saginaw Valley State University

Medical School: Michigan State College of Human Medicine (Rural Physician Program)

Personal interests? Calculus and chemistry (lol)

Favorite place in Madison? Farmer’s Market on the Square

Why UW? Because of rural! And strong emphasis in family planning.

Ankitha Madde headshot

Ankitha Madde, MD

Hometown: Rochester, MN

Undergrad: University of Pittsburgh

Medical School: University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

Favorite activity in Madison: Summer in Madison has been absolutely beautiful and my favorite thing to do has just been sitting by the lake with some coffee and taking it all in. Sunsets at the Union Terrace have been my go-to so far. 

If I wasn't a doctor...I would have loved to be a professional dancer. 

Why UW: Amazing academic program with great research and fellowship options along with leadership that places a huge emphasis on resident education. I especially loved all of the resident and faculty interactions I had on my interview day. The love and support between the residents was clear despite being in a virtual format and was definitely somewhere I saw myself being able to thrive. 

Benjamin Pickus headshot

Benjamin Pickus, MD

Hometown: Fairfax, VA

Undergrad: University of Virginia

Medical school: University of Pittsburgh

Favorite activity in Madison? Getting to visit any of the lakeside parks and enjoying great views of the sunset. 

If I weren’t a doctor…I would be a natural resource manager for the National Park Service! 

Why UW? Everyone is so excited about resident education at UW, and everyone was easy to talk to on my interview day! 

Carrie Sibbald headshot

Carrie Sibbald, MD - Global Health Track

Hometown: Petaluma, California

Undergrad: Grinnell College

Medical School: Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

Favorite activity in Madison so far: Going for runs around the lakes!

If I weren't a doctor, I would…Probably be a teacher, but I think that a National Geographic photographer is the coolest job

Why UW? UW has everything that I hoped for in residency:  gorgeous location (with lakes!), small city, an abundance of outdoor activities, phenomenal program with great surgical training, abortion training, and fellowships, opportunities for advocacy, welcoming and supportive PD, faculty, and residents, and a global health track!

Saule Tamkus headshot

Saule Tamkus, MD

Hometown: Kaunas, Lithuania 

Undergrad: University of Michigan 

Med school: Rush Medical College

If I weren’t a doctor… I would be Moira’s costume designer for Schitt’s Creek. 

Favorite activities in Madison: Paddleboarding/kayaking/swimming in the lakes, biking around the lakes, eating by the lakes, reading by the lakes. 

Why UW? Kind, smart, approachable residents and faculty and excellent support for fellowship match. Madison is such a fun place – easy to get around, lots of outdoor activities, and great food scene.

Margaret Williams headshot

Margaret Williams, MD

Hometown: Birmingham, AL

Undergrad: UNC Chapel Hill

Medical School: University of Alabama at Birmingham

Favorite activity in Madison: biking the Monona lake loop and making frequent ice cream stops

If I weren't a doctor…I would own a yarn shop!

Why UW? I was looking to join a residency program full of kind, caring people who are passionate about reproductive health – from the moment interview day started, UW blew me away! I'm so grateful to work and learn alongside these people.

Kaitlyn Anderholm  headshot

Kaitlyn Anderholm, MD - Rural Track

Hometown: Nisswa, MN

Undergraduate: University of Minnesota

Medical School: University of Minnesota Medical School

Why did you want to train at UW? As soon as I logged off of my interview day at UW I knew I'd found my fit- everyone was warm, supportive, engaging, and genuinely interested in me as a person. It is also so exciting to be a part of such a groundbreaking program in the rural residency track. After these four years I know I will be a skilled generalist ready to practice anywhere my small town heart takes me!

Favorite place in Madison? The Terrace at sunset! Also anywhere I can relax with my co-residents.

Best part of living in Madison? The relaxed vibe of the city! Plus it is overall just a great location- everything you could need but not far from nature or big cities like Chicago or Milwaukee. And it has two lakes built right in!

Hobbies, personal interests and fun facts? Minnesota Wild supporter, state park hiker, big believer in happy hour, Real Housewives obsessed, proud University of Minnesota Medical School Duluth Campus 2022 Lip Sync Champion.

Rusha Bajpai headshot

Rusha Bajpai, MD

Hometown: Overland Park, KS

Undergraduate: University of Kansas

Medical School: University of Kansas School of Medicine

Why did you want to train at UW? UW has a great family atmosphere and positive culture for learning. It also has robust sub-specialty departments and offers a broad scope of clinical and surgical experiences.

Favorite place in Madison? The Dane County Farmer's Market.

Best part of living in Madison? Getting to hang out with all my amazing co-residents!

Fun facts? I’m a dog mom to my puppy Winston! I also draw pet portraits in my free time. I love to travel and experience new places and cultures. I’ve been to all 7 of the New World Wonders! 

Kharmen Bharucha headshot

Kharmen Bharucha, MD

Hometown: Rochester, MN

Undergraduate: Carleton College

Medical School: University of Minnesota Medical School

Why did you want to train at UW? I knew I would receive excellent training while surrounded by humble, inquisitive, fun, and supportive people.

Favorite places in Madison? Taigu, the Memorial Union Terrace.

Hobbies and personal interests? Cooking, baking, listening to podcasts, and exercising!

Christina Dudley  headshot

Christina Dudley, MD

Hometown: Racine, WI

Undergraduate: University of Wisconsin-Madison

Medical School: University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

Why did you want to train at UW? As a medical student, residents and attendings were welcoming, kind, and excellent teachers. My interview day helped confirm for me that UW was where I wanted to end up, and I'm so glad I'm at this great program in the best city.

Best part of living in Madison? It's hard to pick just one! It's a beautiful city on beautiful lakes with great restaurants, shows, and sports. There is no shortage of activities outdoors, no matter the season, and Madisonians are a great group of people.

Favorite places in the city? The Terrace at Memorial Union for sunsets and ice cream, Picnic Point for a nice run/walk, and Camp Randall for the best gamedays.

Hobbies and personal interests? I love kayaking, paddleboarding, tennis, cross-country skiing, and am learning to sail on the lakes here in Madison.

Jeanette Larson headshot

Jeanette Larson, MD

Hometown: Leavenworth, KS

Undergraduate: University of Kansas

Medical School: University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

Why did you want to train at UW? I loved all of my OB/GYN rotations during medical school and knew I wanted to keep working with and learning from the people here. We get fantastic training, are encouraged to engage in our passions, and Madison is a lovely place to live!

Best part of living in Madison? It's gorgeous with lots of outdoor activities, even in the winter, and so many delicious food options!

Favorite places in and around Madison? Leopold's, Memorial Union Terrace, Muramoto, Taigu. Honorable mention for Devil's Lake State Park (within an hour drive and over a ferry ride with ice cream on both sides!)

Hobbies and personal interests? Listening to audiobooks and podcasts, outdoor activities (hiking, swimming), spending time with family.

Aaditi Naik headshot

Aaditi Naik, MD - Global Health Track

Hometown: Wausau, WI

Undergraduate: Vanderbilt University

Medical School: University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine

Why did you want to train at UW? UW has the most supportive, kind, encouraging people - residents, faculty, nurses, everyone I've interacted with has been warm and welcoming. When you make a mistake or have a bad day, the attending or senior resident will comfort you and tell you about a time when they messed up. Everyone keeps checking in on you and making sure you're not too overwhelmed or stressed. UW just has the best culture.

Best part of living in Madison? Being between two beautiful lakes.

Favorite place in Madison? The Terrace! (I know it's basic but nothing beats cheese curds at the Terrace with your friends on a summer evening).

Hobbies and personal interests? I love playing weird board games and doing the NYT Daily Mini crossword (and trying to beat my co-residents' times on it).

Naomi Roselaar headshot

Naomi Roselaar, MD

Hometown: Appleton, WI

Undergraduate: Yale University

Medical School: Renaissance School of Medicine at Stony Brook University

Why did you want to train at UW? The excellent surgical training and dedication to reproductive advocacy stood out to me at UW. Most importantly, the residents and faculty who interviewed me were extremely invested in the resident community. I knew they would be supportive colleagues and mentors!

Best part of living in Madison? Picnics by the lakes and paddle boarding with the other residents!

Favorite activity in the city? Eating all the pastries at Madison Sourdough.

Hobbies and personal interests? I love dancing, and enjoy everything from ballet to post-modern to dancing in my living room. My most memorable performance was when I danced on the roof of an art gallery.

Emily Chiu headshot

Emily Chiu, MD, PhD

Hometown: New York City, NY

Undergraduate: Sarah Lawrence College

Medical School: University of Minnesota

Why did you want to train at UW? I came because of the gyn onc training.

Favorite place in Madison? Monona Bakery & Eatery

Best part of living in Madison? The lakes and bike paths.

Hobbies and personal interests? Camping, backpacking, and trying new restaurants.

Favorite memory of residency (so far)? Delivering my first baby!

Nicolette Codispoti headshot

Nicolette Codispoti, MD, MS, MPH

Hometown: Bellmore, NY

Undergraduate: University of Wisconsin-Madison

Medical School: Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine

Why did you want to train at UW? After spending four years in Madison for undergrad, it was always a dream to return for residency. I was initially drawn to the program for how intentional it is in providing surgical training, subspecialty exposure, and research opportunities. It was also clear since the interview day how the program and leadership consistently strive to create a positive and collaborative environment - all which have been apparent since starting here!

Favorite place in Madison? Ha Long Bay, Red Sushi, or Marigold Kitchen (s/o to the best potatoes in the city).

Best part of living in Madison? There is always something to do - even in the winter! I love trying new restaurants, attending sporting events (Go Badgers!), and spending time at the Terrace.

Hobbies, personal interests and fun facts? I cannot live a day without cold brew coffee! I also love crafting (and eating) charcuterie boards - whether for my own personal dinner or time with friends.

Favorite memory of residency (so far)? Taking field trips in the hospital to get lunch, coffee, or ice cream with my team.

Alma Farooque headshot

Alma Farooque, MD

Hometown: Marshfield, WI

Undergraduate: Vanderbilt University

Medical School: University of Wisconsin School of Medicine & Public Health

Why did you want to train at UW? Ever since working with this department as a medical student, I knew UW was a program where I would receive excellent clinical and surgical training while being extremely well supported by coresidents, attendings, and staff. Everyone is so kind and understanding of the transition to residency and constantly checking in to make sure you aren't too overwhelmed, your questions are answered, and you're always eating lunch! Residency is hard no matter what, but the people you work with make all the difference. I'm thankful to be at a program where my colleagues make work as painless and as fun as possible!

Favorite place in Madison? Anywhere you can enjoy the outdoors and gorgeous Madison sunsets - the Terrace, Picnic Point, James Madison Park, Lake Wingra, and Tenney Park are my favorites. The locally-owned small businesses are amazing and bring authentic foods from around the world to Madison like Finca Coffee, Petra Bakery, and Taigu Noodles.

Best part of living in Madison? The lakes, easy access to nature, and all the conveniences of a smaller city while still having a ton of stuff to do, see, and eat

Hobbies and personal interests? Anything that lets me travel and eat new foods! I also enjoy Latin dancing, music, yoga, and jogging.

Favorite memory of residency (so far)? Celebrating my birthday with an amazing team on L&D eating cake, Venezuelan takeout, and delivering my first set of twins!

Olivia Johnson headshot

Olivia Johnson, MD - Rural track

Hometown: Green Bay, WI

Undergraduate: St. Norbert College

Medical School: University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

Why did you want to train at UW? I wanted to train at UW Ob-Gyn for the opportunity to train in rural communities in addition to an academic setting. I am excited to learn ob-gyn in two very different environments.

Favorite place in Madison? The Blue Moon Bar & Grill

Best part of living in Madison? The variety of restaurants and bars, all the parks and bike trails, and the Terrace.

Hobbies, personal interests and fun facts? If I hadn’t chosen medicine as a career, I would have opened my own bakery or worked as a travel photographer. Baked goods and traveling are two of my favorite things!

Favorite memory of residency (so far)? Going out for team brunch, ordering takeout during night float with my team, and hanging out with my co-residents!

Abbey Knickerbocker, MD

Medical School: Washington State University

Maria Camila Ochoa headshot

Maria-Camila Ochoa, MD - Global Health Track

Undergraduate: University of South Alabama

Medical School: University of South Alabama College of Medicine

Why did you want to train at UW? I wanted to train at a program that not only had excellent clinical and surgical training, but also focused on advocacy and health equity. With the bonus of a global health track, UW offered all of this plus an incredible group of dedicated and passionate people!

Favorite place in Madison? So far… anywhere near the lakes!

Best part of living in Madison? I love being surrounded by nature and getting sunrise views of the capitol building on my drive to work.

Hobbies and personal interests? I love being outdoors with my dog, Rory, whether it’s hiking in nature, paddleboarding on the water or exploring new places. I love traveling and am always down to try something new!

Favorite memory of residency (so far)? Getting matching cloud socks for the team on my first L&D block.

Raiven Owusu headshot

Raiven Owusu, MD

Hometown: Rochester, MI

Undergraduate: Michigan State University

Medical School: Indiana University School of Medicine

Why did you want to train at UW? I wanted a program with excellent surgical training and a strong emphasis placed on resident education and advocacy. I also had great conversations with residents and faculty members on my interview day and just knew that UW would be a great fit for me!

Favorite place in Madison? Grampa's & Gibs

Best part of living in Madison? The city is so beautiful, lots of fun outdoor activities, and tons of great food options!

Hobbies and personal interests? I enjoy spending time outdoors - hiking, running, playing sports, going to the farmer's market. I also enjoy traveling, trying new things, and listening to podcasts!

Favorite memory of residency (so far)? Going to an outdoor venue with a big screen to watch one of the US Women's World Cup Soccer Games with my co-residents!

Maya Adler headshot

Maya Adler, MD

Hometown: Tucson, AZ
Undergrad: Wesleyan University
Medical School: Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine

Favorite places in Madison? The Arboretum, farmers market on the square, and the terrace for some beer and curds!

Hobbies or personal interests? Hiking, kayaking, exploring new breweries, and finding the best pickles in town.

Why UW? The vibe on interview day was so authentic, and it's clear how much people really care for each other here - and for their patients.

Taylor Badger headshot

Taylor Badger, MD

Hometown: Springfield, IL
Undergrad: University of Wisconsin-Madison
Medical School: Southern Illinois University School of Medicine

Favorite places in Madison? Memorial Union Terrace or eating the best fried cheese curds at the Old Fashioned!

Personal interests? I love running along the lake on a sunny day, trying new restaurants, needlepoint 

Why UW? I was drawn to UW because of the extremely well-rounded training this program offers and amazing support from faculty and co-residents...returning to a great city that is familiar from my undergrad years was an extra bonus!

Highlights of residency so far: Delivering all the babies & our team boba nights on my first L&D nights block.

Best part of living in Madison? Beautiful lakes, tons of great food and events! You'll never run out of things to do regardless of the season.

Chelsie Clark headshot

Chelsie Clark, MD

Hometown: Memphis, TN
Undergrad: Christian Brothers University
Medical School: University of Michigan Medical School

Michelle DeMeo headshot

Michelle DeMeo, MD

Hometown: Burr Ridge, IL
Undergrad: Emory University
Medical School: Rush Medical College

Favorite places in Madison? Brittingham Park and boat rentals on Monona Bay, Red Sushi, farmers market on Saturday mornings, Concerts on the Square on summer Wednesday nights.

Hobbies or personal interests? Spending time with friends and family, eating new foods, all the outdoor activities. I played tennis in college, so I love getting back on the court when I can.

Why UW? After finishing my interview day, I felt so excited and inspired by the faculty and residents I met - the emphasis on advocacy, the community invovlement, and the excellent training with exposure to high-risk pregnancies.

Highlights of residency so far: Delivering lots of babies and bonding with my team during my first L&D block.

Best part of living in Madison? It's so easy to walk around Madison - to different restaurants, lakes, outdoor events. 

Emily Dorian headshot

Emily Dorian, MD - Global Health Track

Hometown: River Forest, IL
Undergrad: University of Rochester and Eastman School of Music
Medical School: Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine

Favorite places in Madison? Being near the water/greenery.

Hobbies or personal interests? Music (I've sang both classically and in bands for years!), climbing/bouldering, yoga, frisbee, hiking.

Why UW? The impression on my interview day—I felt at ease but also inspired by the faculty and residents I spoke with.

Jessica Gillespie headshot

Jessica Gillespie, MD - Rural Track

Hometown: Bristol, WI
Undergrad: Boston College
Medical School: University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

Favorite places in Madison? Leopold's, Ha Long Bay - one of my favorite ways to spend an afternoon is to get baked goods from Batch Bakehouse, a coffee from Cafe Domestique, and walk around Willy Street!

Hobbies or personal interests? Knitting, crochet, trying new restaurants around town, swimming, camping, and anything outdoors!

Why UW? After completing medical school at UW, I knew I would complete my training in a place where faculty and residents support and care for one another. As a resident in the rural track, I was seeking a program that would give me the surgical and obstetric skills to succeed in a low-resource environment, and UW checked all of my boxes! 

Highlights of residency so far: Delivering babies, bonding with my class, ice cream field trips with the Onc team.

Best part of living in Madison? Beautiful lakes, lots of biking and walking trails, lots of cute restaurants.

Yuliia Olenska headshot

Yuliia Olenska, MD

Hometown: Lviv, Ukraine 
Undergrad: Bogomolets National Medical University 
Medical School: Bogomolets National Medical University 

Favorite places in Madison? The terrace at Memorial Union for sunsets and concerts, Tenney Park.  

Hobbies or personal interests? I love spending time with my family, signing, using social media for medical education.  

Why UW? Following my interview day, I felt a strong conviction that there’s only one program I truly want to join—the people here are the reason I feel this way. 

Best part of living in Madison? There are plenty of stunning restaurants, lovely walking spots, and two charming lakes to enjoy. 

2024 Graduates

2024 graduates

Front row, left to right:

Alexandra Andes, MD - General ob-gyn at Association for Women's Health Care in Illinois

India Anderson-Carter, MD - Academic Specialists in Ob-Gyn faculty at the University of Wisconsin

Middle row, left to right: 

Margaret Harrison, MD - General ob-gyn at Women's Health Care Associates in Colorado

Gabrielle Avery, MD - Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery fellowship at UC-Irvine

Back row, left to right: 

Jennifer Janik, MD - General ob-gyn at Grand Rapids Women's Health in Michigan

Kaley Gyorfi, MD - General ob-gyn at Kaiser Permanente in Los Angeles

Awa Sanneh, MD Academic Specialists in Ob-Gyn faculty at the University of Wisconsin

2023 Graduates

2023 graduates

Front row, left to right:

Jessica Walker, MD - Generalist practice at Physicians for Women in Madison, WI

Talya Spivak, MD - Generalist practice at St. Mary's in Madison, WI

Rachel Mojdehbakhsh, MD - Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship at the University of Wisconsin

Back row, left to right:

Connor Wang, MD - Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship at Northwestern University

Kathryn Dryer, MD - Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship at the University of Virginia

Maya Gross, MD, MPH - Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship at the University of Washington

Madeline Wetterhahn, MD, MPH - National Health Service Corps in Flagstaff, AZ

2022 Graduates

2022 graduates

Front row, left to right:

Vienna Tran, MD - generalist practice in Seattle, WA

Jordan Ward, MD - Academic Specialist in OB/GYN at the University of Wisconsin

Alexa Lowry, MD (Rural Program) - generalist practice at Gundersen Hospital in La Crosse, WI

Back row, left to right:

Daniel Pellicer, MD - general ob-gyn at Dean in Madison, WI

Matt Wagar, MD - Gynecologic Oncology fellowship at the University of Wisconsin

Ushma Patel, MD - Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery fellowship at the University of Wisconsin

John Poehlmann, MD - Maternal-Fetal Medicine fellowship at Women & Infants Hospital/Brown University in Rhode Island

2021 Graduates

2021 graduates

Left to right: 

Laura McDowell, MD (Rural Program) - Rural OB/GYN practice with Carris Health in Willmar, MN

Emily Buttigieg, MD - Academic Specialist in OB/GYN at the University of Wisconsin

Stephanie Peace, MD - OB/GYN serving commitment for the National Health Service Corps in Las Cruces, NM

Erica Carballo, MD - Pelvic Surgery Fellowship at Emory University

Melissa Meyer, MD - OB/GYN with IHA in Livonia, MI

Dandi Huang, MD - Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Ramsey Larson, MD - OB/GYN with MultiCare in Spokane, Washington

2020 Graduates

2020 graduates

Left to right: 

Antonio Romo de Vivar Chavez, MD - OB/GYN with University Medical Center of El Paso in El Paso, TX

MJ Kao, MD - OB/GYN with Aurora Health Care in Sheboygan, WI

Brenda Niu, MD - OB/GYN with Kaiser Permanente in Tacoma, WA

Sierra Jansen, MD - Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship at the University of New Mexico

Kali Rivas, MD - OB/GYN with Aurora Health Care in Milwaukee, WI

Kathleen Ireland, MD - OB/GYN with Allina Health in Maple Grove, MN

Anna Drewry, MD - OB/GYN with Allina Health in Fridley, MN

2019 Graduates

2019 graduates

Front row, left to right:

Lauren Verrilli, MD - Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility fellowship at University of Utah

Emily Rosen, MD - joined Obstetrics and Gynecology faculty at The Ohio State University

Han Cun, MD - Gynecologic Oncology fellowship at MD Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas in Houston

UW Ob-Gyn Department Chair Laurel Rice, MD

Ashley Durward, MD - ob-gyn practice at Madison Women's Health

Anna Meyer, MD - ob-gyn practice at Oakdale Obstetrics and Gynecology in Minnesota

Back row, left to right: 

Ryan McDonald, MD

UW Ob-Gyn Residency Program Director Ryan Spencer, MD

2018 Graduates

2018 graduates

Front row, left to right:

Patrice Grzebielski, MD, Joined the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Academic Specialists in Ob-Gyn.

Ashley Turner, MD, Family Planning fellowship at Northwestern University.

Hayley Barnes, MD, Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery fellowship at Loyola University.

Erin Krizman, MD, Ob-Gyn practice in South Bend, IN.

Back row, left to right:

UW Ob-Gyn Department Chair and Residency Director Laurel Rice, MD.

Ross Harrison, MD, Gynecologic Oncology fellowship at MD Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas in Houston.

UW Ob-Gyn Vice Chair of Education Ellen Hartenbach, MD.

Kevin McCool, MD, Gynecologic Oncology fellowship at University of Michigan.

UW Ob-Gyn Associate Program Director Ryan McDonald, MD.

2017 Graduates

2017 graduates

from left to right:

Caroline Kieserman-Shmokler, MD, Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery fellow at the University of Michigan.

Charles Ashley, MD, Gynecologic Oncology fellow at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

Carley Zeal, MD, Family Planning Fellow at Washington University in St. Louis.

Janessa Rorhbach, MD, Joined the UW Ob-Gyn generalist faculty.

Mary Rysavy, MD, Joined the division of general Ob-Gyn at the University of Iowa.

Laurel Rice, MD, Department Chair.

Ellen Hartenbach, MD, Residency Director.

Amanda Schwartz, MD, Generalist at Associated Physicians in Madison and continued to work at Meriter.

2016 Graduates

2016 graduates

from left to right:

Shefaali Sharma, MD, remained in Madison and is practicing with Madison Women's Health.

Steve Wheelwright, DO, moved to Utah and is practicing with Tanner Clinic.

Erika Mikulec, MD, remained in Madison and is practicing at Dean Clinic - Fish Hatchery.

Katherine O’Rourke, MD, moved to Illinois and is practicing with Loyola University Medical Center.

Ashley Jennings, MD, remained in Madison, was hired within our department, and is practicing at the University Hospital.

Dave Herrmann, MD, headed west to work at Women's Care at Riverbend in Oregon.

2015 Graduates

2015 graduates

From left to right:

Emily Beres, MD remained in Madison, was hired within our department, and is practicing at West Towne Clinic.

Chase Petersen, MD, moved to Utah and is practicing with Intermountain Health Care.

Joelle Thomas, MD, remained in Madison, was hired within our department, and is practicing at 20 S. Park St.

Katherine Lee, MD, moved to California and is practicing with Orange Coast Women's Medical Group.

Jill Masana, MD remained in Madison and is practicing with Associated Physicians.

Jeremiah McNamara, MD headed west to work at HCA/HealthONE SkyRidge Medical Center in Colorado.

2014 Graduates

2014 graduates

From left to right:

Sarah Leadley, MD moved to Minneapolis and is practicing with Fairview OB GYN in Minnesota.

Sarah Yanke, MD remained in Madison and is practicing with Madison Women's Health.

Rajal Patel, MD, moved to New Jersey to practice with Advanced OB/Gyn in Flemington.

Michael Balistreri, MD, MPH moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan to pursue a fellowship in Maternal Fetal Medicine with the University of Michigan.

Jennifer Karnowski, MD headed north to work at Gundersen Health System in La Crosse, Wisconsin.

Asheley Baker, MD joined Aurora Advanced Healthcare and is practicing in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

2013 Graduates

2013 graduates

From left to right:

Patricia Harper, MD has moved to Coon Rapids, Minnesota and has joined Allina Women’s Health.

Kristin Lyerly, MD, MPH is heading north to work at OB/GYN Associates group of Bellin Health Care System in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Jameca Price, MD, MPH has moved to Portland, Oregon to pursue a fellowship in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery with Oregon Health & Science University.

Rebecca Faber, MD is practicing at Dean Clinic - Fish Hatchery in Madison, Wisconsin.

Stephanie Bjork, MD is practicing at Hallmark Healthcare in Medford, Massachusetts.

Bryan Hotujec, MD is practicing at Dean Clinic-West in Madison, Wisconsin.

2012 Graduates

2012 graduates

From left to right:

Tom Littlefield, MD is practicing at Dean Clinic in Sun Prairie.

Jennifer Lin, MD, has joined a large private practice group, Women's Healthcare Associates, based in Portland, Oregon. She is at the Newberg clinical site, joining three other providers.

Elizabeth Sullivan, MD has moved to Providence, Rhode Island and has joined a generalist practice. She is providing delivery services out of Woman and Infant’s Hospital.

Christie Trautman, MD has joined Melius, Schurr, and Cardwell Physicians for Women group in Fitchburg.

Shiloh Small, MD is working for the Southcentral Foundation which is an Alaska Native-owned, nonprofit health care organization serving the entire Alaska Native and American Indian population of the state. It is located at the Alaska Native Medical Center in Anchorage.

Jill Steinle, MD has headed back to her hometown of Bismarck, ND and has joined the Mid Dakota Clinic. She has joined a group of seven other OB/GYNs, one of them her mother.