Laura Hanks

Larson, Jacques, Hanks co-author article in Wisconsin Medical Journal
UW Department of Ob-Gyn resident Jeannette Larson, MD, PGY-3, Laura Jacques, MD, associate professor in the Division of Academic Specialists in Ob-Gyn, and Laura Hanks, MD, clinical assistant professor in the Division of Academic Specialists in Ob-Gyn, co-authored a new article published in the Wisconsin Medical Journal. Co-authors included Camille Phillips and Amy Godecker,...

Department of Ob-Gyn faculty and residents at ACOG District VI annual meeting
Members of the UW Department of Ob-Gyn attended the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) Districts I, V, and VI Annual District Meeting in Boston September 27-29, 2024. Read on for just a few of their wonderful accomplishments at the meeting! Ob-Gyn resident Ben Pickus, MD, PGY-4, and Laura Hanks, MD, assistant professor in the Division of Academic Spec...

Grand Rounds: Hanks presents “A Century of Sex, Science, and Gender”
On September 19, 2024, Laura Hanks, MD, clinical assistant professor in the Division of Academic Specialists in Ob-Gyn, presented the Grand Rounds lecture “A Century of Sex, Science, and Gender.”In the lecture, Hanks examined the history of gender-affirming care. She analyzed two perspectives — one on the patient side and one on the doctor’s side — in order to assess how the...
Grand Rounds: 2024 Shapiro Summer Research students present projects
Every summer, Shapiro Summer Research students collaborate with UW Department of Ob-Gyn faculty on research projects. On August 1, the 2024 Shapiro Summer Research students presented their projects during Ob-Gyn Grand Rounds. Presenters, mentors, and projects were: Michelle Lin, mentored by Kara Hoppe, DO, MS: The Effects of the Dobbs Decision on Sterilization Rates Based on...

Hanks publishes blog about global health trip
Laura Hanks, MD, clinical assistant professor in the Division of Academic Specialists in Obstetrics and Gynecology, shared her experiences traveling to Gambia on the UW School of Medicine and Public Health Department of Surgery’s Global Surgery website. Hanks was a visiting lecturer at the Edward Francis Teaching Hospital in March of 2024.In “In My Own Words: Dr. Hanks’ trip...
UW Department of Ob-Gyn at 2024 ACOG Congressional Leadership Conference
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists hosted the 2024 Congressional Leadership Conference in Washington, DC, March 3-5. Many members of the UW Department of Ob-Gyn attended the conference to strengthen their advocacy skills and meet with Wisconsin legislators to discuss issues like Medicare payment and improving maternal mortality. Faculty: Amy Domeyer-Kle...

Phillips receives Excellence in Student Research Award
Congratulations to Camille Phillips, UW School of Medicine and Public Health medical student and mentee of Laura Hanks, MD, assistant professor in the Division of Academic Specialists in Ob-Gyn! Phillips received the Excellence in Student Research award at the 22nd Annual Medical Student Research Forum on Nov 20, 2023. Forty students were competitively selected to present...

Grand Rounds: Shapiro Students present research projects
Every summer, Shapiro Summer Research students collaborate with UW Department of Ob-Gyn faculty on research projects. On August 3, the 2023 Shapiro Summer Research students presented their projects during Ob-Gyn Grand Rounds. Presenters, mentors, and projects were: Camille Phillips, mentored by Laura Hanks, MD - “Sterilizations Rates of Pregnancy Capable People at a Single I...

Phillips earns Junior Fellow prize paper at ACOG District VI meeting
Huge congratulations to Camille Phillips, UW School of Medicine and Public Health medical student and mentee of Laura Hanks, MD, assistant professor in the Division of Academic Specialists in Ob-Gyn! Phillips earned the Junior Fellow Prize Paper at the ACOG District VI Meeting in early October 2023. Phillips presented the paper “Sterilizations Rates of Pregnancy Capable Peo...

Hanks passes ABOG board exams
Sincere congratulations to Laura Hanks, MD, assistant professor in the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Academic Specialists in Ob-Gyn! We are proud to share that Hanks passed her ABOG board exams.Hanks joined our department faculty in May 2022. Incredible work, Dr. Hanks!

Women’s Healthcast: Surgical Sterilization, featuring Dr. Laura Hanks
Since the spring of 2022, ob-gyn clinics around the U.S. have reported an increase in questions about tubal ligation, also known as surgical sterilization or salpingectomy. On a recent episode of the Women’s Healthcast, Laura Hanks, MD, assistant professor in the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Academic Specialists in Ob-Gyn, talked about why those requests are up, and answered questi...

Women’s Healthcast: Robotic-Assisted Surgery, featuring Laura Hanks, MD
On a recent episode of the Women’s Healthcast, Laura Hanks, MD, assistant professor in the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Academic Specialists in Ob-Gyn, discussed different ways surgery can be performed, with a focus on robotic-assisted surgery.In the episode, Hanks talked about how robotic surgery works, what kinds of procedures in the ob-gyn world can and can’t be performed with t...