Racine passes MFM board exams!
Our sincere congratulations to Jenna Racine, MD, assistant professor in the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine! Racine passed the ABOG subspecialty boards in maternal-fetal medicine in April 2023.Racine joined the UW Department of Ob-Gyn faculty in 2021 after completing her maternal-fetal medicine fellowship in our department. Though she will leave the department for a new ...

Racine published in Wisconsin Medical Journal
Jenna Racine, MD, assistant professor in the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, is the lead author on a new study published in the Wisconsin Medical Journal!In “Perinatal Outcomes Associated With Institutional Changes Early in the COVID-19 Pandemic”, Racine and co-authors (including Maternal-Fetal Medicine Division Director Igor Iruretagoyena, MD, and Kara Hoppe,...

UW Ob-Gyn brings posters, presentations to 2022 SMFM Annual Pregnancy Meeting
Though the meeting was virtual this year, the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine brought an impressive raft of research to the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine’s 42nd Annual Pregnancy Meeting! Read about some of the incredible posters and presentations they shared at the conference:Risk calculator for hypertension related postpartum readmission - Jinxin Tao, Yo...

Racine published in Wisconsin Medical Journal
A study by maternal-fetal medicine fellow and soon-to-be member of the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine faculty Jenna Racine, MD, was published in the Wisconsin Medical Journal. “Barriers to Self-Disclosing Level of Maternal Care: What Are Wisconsin Hospitals Worried About?” is eligible for continuing education credit.
In the study, Racine and co-authors (inclu...

Racine published in Wisconsin Medical Journal
A new study published in the Wisconsin Medical Journal by UW Ob-Gyn maternal-fetal medicine fellow Jenna Racine, MD sought to survey birthing centers in Wisconsin to better understand barriers to disclosing their level of maternal care. The article was co-authored by UW-Madison Prevention Research Center Deputy Director Kate Gillespie, DNP, Cynthie Wautlet, MD, of the UW Ob-...

UW Ob-Gyn brings research, developments to 2021 SMFM Conference
Faculty, residents, fellows, researchers and more brought numerous posters and presentations to the virtual 2021 Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine Annual Meeting at the end of January! Learn more about the wealth of research shared by our colleagues at the conference:
Racial disparities in post-operative pain experience and treatment following cesarean birt...
Academic Specialists In Obstetrics and Gynecology
Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Diversity Equity Inclusion
Jacquelyn Adams
Kathleen Antony
Bradley Bosse
Luther Gaston
Amy Godecker
Tiffany Green
Kara Hoppe
J. Igor Iruretagoyena
Alexa Lowry
John Poehlmann
Jenna Racine
Janine Rhoades
Matthew Wagar