Dedicated to serving families who experience the tragedy of stillbirth and the professionals who care for them -- in Wisconsin and throughout the world
Welcome to the WiSSP website. Perhaps you have lost a child to stillbirth, or know someone who has. You may be a health care provider or support professional, caring for families who have experienced this tragic loss. Whichever the case, this website has been created for you.
WiSSP is located at the University of Wisconsin-Madison for the investigation of the causes of stillbirth. WiSSP has helped to assess nearly 3,000 infants and provided diagnostic information for counseling of their families. In addition, WiSSP has helped provide educational materials, support resources, and scientific and medical data to families and medical personnel. With the creation of this website, WiSSP aims to provide this much needed information to all medical professionals, support personnel, families, and members of the general public.
At this time, WiSSP will not be accepting new referrals.We encourage providers caring for families that have experienced a stillbirth to continue to collect information, especially placental pathology reports, autopsy, and laboratory studies and to refer families that have questions regarding a stillbirth or second trimester loss to a maternal fetal medicine specialist and/or medical geneticist who will be able to make use of that information.
To find a genetic counselor anywhere in the country, you can search on the National Society of Genetic Counselors website: https://www.nsgc.org/page/find-a-gc-search
To find a maternal fetal medicine specialist, you can search on the Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine website: https://www.smfm.org/members
Initial production of this site was made possible by funding from the Perinatal Foundation. Portions of WiSSP activities have been supported by Maternal and Child Health Funds from the State of Wisconsin. Website revisions were made possible through donations made in memory of Catherine J. Reynolds, who was stillborn on August 31, 2001. Currently, the website is supported by UW-Madison.
Feedback – Do you have comments and suggestions to improve this website? Please take a moment to share your thoughts.