WiSSPers is the official newsletter of WiSSP, but is currently in abeyance due to lack of funding. From Fall of 1993 until 1999, WiSSPers provided relevant articles to nurses, physicians, and counselors who work with parents experiencing stillbirth. Generally, each quarterly issue contained:
- An In Depth review of a specific topic, by the WiSSP Director
- Critiques of recently published articles in professional journals (In the Lit)
- A guest article (Guest Corner) from an expert in the field
- A review of selected parent resources (From the Lending Library), and
- A biography of an individual important to our efforts (Personal Portraits)
Both current and back issues of WiSSPers can be accessed below. Listed with each volume is its In Depth and Guest Corner article(s). A listing of articles, books and resource materials reviewed in WiSSPers also is available.
Past issues are still relevant and are available electronically below.
Volume 6 Number 1 and 2 | December 1999 |
Volume 5 Number 4 | April 1999 |
Volume 5 Number 2 and 3 Fall/Winter 1998 | In Depth: A Sixteen Year Retrospective of Stillbirth Assessment Guest Corner: Ten Common Myths About Children and Grief |
Volume 5 Number 1 June 1998 | In Depth: Case Studies from the Wisconsin Stillbirth Service Program - #1 Guest Corner: "Creating Memories," Cynthia Fritz |
Volume 4 Number 4 Feb. 1998 | In Depth: Jugulolymphatic Obstruction Sequence and Stillbirth Guest Corner: "Yesterday was my son's birthday," Cynthia Fritz |
Volume 4 Number 3 Nov.1997 | In Depth: Confined Placental Mosaicism Guest Corner: A Burial Option for Babies Who Die Before Birth |
Volume 4 Number 2 July 1997 | In Depth: Looking for Infection in Stillborn Infants Guest Corner: SHARE, Cathi Lammert RN; Bereavement Services/RTS, Fran Rybarik RN, MPH. |
Volume 4 Number 1 April 1997 | In Depth: Stillbirth Assessment in the Era of Managed Care Guest Corner: Moving Forward in the Managed Care Environment, Daniel J. Bier, Executive Director of the Wisconsin Association for Perinatal Care |
Volume 3 Number 4 Dec 1996 | In Depth: Cocaine, Pregnancy, and Risk of Intrauterine Death Guest Corner: An Editorial Perspective, Richard M. Pauli, Director of WiSSP |
Volume 3 Number 3 Oct 1996 | In Depth: Chromosomes and Stillbirth: Abnormalities in Stillborns Guest Corner: Research into the Causes of Stillbirth, Leslie Biesecker, Researcher at the National Center for Human Genome Research |
Volume 3 Number 2 June 1996 | In Depth: Chromosomes and Stillbirth: Introduction to Cytogenetics Guest Corner: Pregnancy Following Perinatal Loss: An Intervention Program for Parents, Joann O'Leary, Parent-Infant Specialist |
Volume 3 Number 1 Feb 1996 | Guest Corner: Working with the Bereaved Adolescent Mother: Challenges, Lessons, and Guidelines, Connie Nykiel, Certified Professional Childbirth Educator for Teen Moms\ |
Volume 2 Number 4 Nov 1995 | In Depth: Fetal Deaths at Less than 20 Weeks Gestation Guest Corner: Diaphragmatic Hernia, Cynthia Curry, Director of Medical Genetics and Prenatal Detection, Valley Children's Hospital, Fresno, CA |
Volume 2 Number 3 July 1995 | In Depth: Radiologic Assessment of Stillborns |
Volume 2 Number 2 Apr 1995 | In Depth: Parvovirus B19 and Intrauterine Death Guest Corner: Disposition of the Body after Stillbirth, Sue Lendborg, Perinatal Social Worker, Meriter-Park Hospital, Madison, WI |
Volume 2 Number 1 Jan 1995 | In Depth: Maceration and the Timing of Intrauterine Death Guest Corner: Observing A Grief: A Religious Response, Fr. Razz Waff, Director of Pastoral Care, St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital, Racine, WI |
Volume 1 Number 4 Oct 1994 | In Depth: Disruptions and Stillbirth Guest Corner: The Story of a Perinatal Mortality Counseling Program, Kenneth R. Kellner, Professor of Maternal/Fetal Medicine, University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, FL |
Volume 1 Number 3 Spring 1994 | In Depth: Twinning and Intrauterine Death Guest Corner:The Emotional Impact of Stillbirth in a Multiple Pregnancy, Jean Kollantai, Co-founder of the Center for Loss in Multiple Birth (CLIMB) |
Volume 1 Number 2 Winter '93-94 | In Depth: The Umbilical Cord and Stillbirth Guest Corner: Your Part in the Caregiving Equation, Sherokee Ilse, Professional Consultant, Speaker, and Author on bereavement isssues |
Volume 1 Number 1 Fall 1993 | In Depth: Fetal-Maternal Hemorrhage and Stillbirth In Depth: Lower Mesodermal Defects Guest Corner: Tips for Caring for a Stillborn Infant, Bonnie K. Gensch, Bereavement Services/RTS |