Portrait of Lisa Barroilhet
Lisa Barroilhet, MD, MS
Associate Professor, Director, Division of Gynecologic Oncology, Director of Clinical Research
Gynecologic Oncology
UW Health

Office Address

UW Hospital and Clinics
600 Highland Ave
Madison, WI, 53792

Clinic Address

Gynecology Oncology Clinic
600 Highland Ave
Madison, WI, 53705
Phone: 608-265-1700

Administrative Assistant

Hospital profile

Dr. Barroilhet is an Associate Professor in the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. She completed her four-year residency in obstetrics and gynecology at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. After finishing her residency in 2009, she completed her three-year clinical and research fellowship in gynecologic oncology at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. Dr. Barroilhet joined the University of Wisconsin Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2012. She has been the recipient of the NCI Clinical Care Team Leadership Award and is currently a GOG Scholar Investigator. Most recently she has been funded by the Reproductive Science Development Program and the NCI, where she has an R01 award entitled Repurposing Atovaquone for the Prevention of Ovarian Cancer. Her primary research interests focus on prevention and early detection of ovarian cancer in a high-risk population. Dr. Barroilhet has published in numerous peer-reviewed journals and has been active in presenting research at national conferences. She has been recognized with multiple awards by her peers for exemplary teaching of residents and staff as well as patient care.

BS Duke University, Durham, NC
MD University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Residency University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Fellowship Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA
MS Clinical Investigation University of Wisconsin - Madison , Madison, WI

Diplomate, American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Director, Division of Gynecologic Oncology

UW Health Patient Experience Provider Champion Award 

UW Department of Ob-Gyn John M. Anderson Award 

UW Health Patient Experience Physician Champion Award 

UW Health Physician Excellence Nominee 

“Top Doctors”: Gynecologic Oncology,
Madison Magazine, Madison, WI

NRG Oncology Group 

Society of Gynecologic Oncology  

National Comprehensive Cancer Network 

American Board of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 

American Society of Clinical Oncologists

NCCN Guidelines® Insights: Ovarian Cancer/Fallopian Tube Cancer/Primary Peritoneal Cancer, Version 3.2024

Joyce Liu, Andrew Berchuck, Floor J Backes, Joshua Cohen, Rachel Grisham, Charles A Leath, Lainie Martin, Daniela Matei, David S Miller, Sharon Robertson, Lisa Barroilhet, Shitanshu Uppal, Andrea Wahner Hendrickson, David M Gershenson, Heidi J Gray, Ardeshir Hakam, Angela Jain, Gottfried E Konecny, John Moroney, Elena Ratner, John Schorge, Premal H Thaker, Theresa L Werner, Emese Zsiros, Kian Behbakht, Lee-May Chen, Marie DeRosa, Eric L Eisenhauer, Gary Leiserowitz, Babak Litkouhi, Michael McHale, Sanja Percac-Lima, Kerry Rodabaugh, Roberto Vargas, Frankie Jones, Emily Kovach, Lisa Hang, Swathi Ramakrishnan, Ronald D Alvarez, Deborah K Armstrong

The NCCN Guidelines for Ovarian Cancer/Fallopian Tube Cancer/Primary Peritoneal Cancer provide multidisciplinary diagnostic workup, staging, and treatment recommendations for this disease. These NCCN Guidelines Insights detail how the evolution of the use of PARP inhibitors as maintenance and single-agent regimens for the treatment of ovarian cancer informed panel recommendations in the guidelines.

Published: 10/16/2024

Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network : JNCCN pmid:39413835

The Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data System (O-RADS) US Score Effect on Surgical Resection Rate

Luyao Shen, Elizabeth A Sadowski, Akshya Gupta, Katherine E Maturen, Krupa K Patel-Lippmann, Hanna M Zafar, Aya Kamaya, Neha Antil, Yang Guo, Lisa M Barroilhet, Priyanka Jha

Background The Ovarian-Adnexal Imaging Reporting and Data System (O-RADS) US risk score can be used to accurately stratify ovarian lesions based on morphologic characteristics. However, there are no large multicenter studies assessing the potential impact of using O-RADS US version 2022 risk score in patients referred for surgery for an ovarian or adnexal lesion. Purpose To retrospectively determine the proportion of patients with ovarian or adnexal lesions without acute symptoms who may have...

Published: 10/08/2024

Radiology pmid:39377674

Data mining of PubChem bioassay records reveals diverse OXPHOS inhibitory chemotypes as potential therapeutic agents against ovarian cancer

Sejal Sharma, Liping Feng, Nicha Boonpattrawong, Arvinder Kapur, Lisa Barroilhet, Manish S Patankar, Spencer S Ericksen

Focused screening on target-prioritized compound sets can be an efficient alternative to high throughput screening (HTS). For most biomolecular targets, compound prioritization models depend on prior screening data or a target structure. For phenotypic or multi-protein pathway targets, it may not be clear which public assay records provide relevant data. The question also arises as to whether data collected from disparate assays might be usefully consolidated. Here, we report on the development...

Published: 10/07/2024

Journal of cheminformatics pmid:39375760

Phase II Clinical Chemoprevention Trial of Weekly Erlotinib before Bladder Cancer Surgery

Tracy M Downs, Howard H Bailey, Taja Lozar, Natalie S Schmitz, Heather Green, Cameron O Scarlett, Thomas C Havighurst, Kyleigh Twaroski, Katina DeShong, Barbara Wollmer, Trinity J Bivalacqua, Daniel R Saltzstein, Neal Shore, KyungMann Kim, Wei Huang, William A Ricke, Lisa Barroilhet, Margaret House, Howard L Parnes, Edward Messing

We performed a clinical trial in patients with non-muscle-invasive (NMI) urothelial cancer randomized (2:1) to the EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor erlotinib or placebo (either orally once weekly × 3 doses prior to scheduled surgery) to assess for a difference in EGFR phosphorylation in tumor-adjacent normal urothelium <24 hours post-study dose and tolerance of weekly erlotinib therapy. Thirty-seven volunteers (6 female/31 male; mean age 70; 35 White/2 non-White) with confirmed or suspected NMI...

Published: 08/27/2024

Cancer prevention research (Philadelphia, Pa.) pmid:39187984

Editorial on vaginal cancer diagnosed in pregnancy and current abortion law on cancer care in Louisiana

Lisa Barroilhet

No abstract

Published: 08/14/2023

Gynecologic oncology reports pmid:37576352

Distribution of prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA) on PET-MRI in patients with and without ovarian cancer

Elizabeth A Sadowski, Brittany Lees, Alan B McMillian, Joanna E Kusmirek, Steve Y Cho, Lisa M Barroilhet

CONCLUSION: PET/MR imaging detected PSMA uptake in ovarian cancer, with little to no uptake in benign ovarian findings. These results are encouraging and further studies in a larger patient cohort would be useful to help determine the extent and heterogeneity of PSMA uptake in ovarian cancer patients.

Published: 06/01/2023

Abdominal radiology (New York) pmid:37261441

Adnexal Lesion Imaging: Past, Present, and Future

Elizabeth A Sadowski, Andrea Rockall, Isabelle Thomassin-Naggara, Lisa M Barroilhet, Sumer K Wallace, Priyanka Jha, Akshya Gupta, Atul B Shinagare, Yang Guo, Caroline Reinhold

Currently, imaging is part of the standard of care for patients with adnexal lesions prior to definitive management. Imaging can identify a physiologic finding or classic benign lesion that can be followed up conservatively. When one of these entities is not present, imaging is used to determine the probability of ovarian cancer prior to surgical consultation. Since the inclusion of imaging in the evaluation of adnexal lesions in the 1970s, the rate of surgery for benign lesions has decreased....

Published: 05/09/2023

Radiology pmid:37158725

Oxidative phosphorylation inhibitors inhibit proliferation of endometriosis cells

Arvinder Kapur, Jose M Ayuso, Shujah Rehman, Santosh Kumari, Mildred Felder, Zach Stenerson, Melisa C Skala, Dave Beebe, Lisa Barroilhet, Manish S Patankar

IN BRIEF: Developing novel therapies to cure and manage endometriosis is a major unmet need that will benefit over 180 million women worldwide. Results from the current study suggest that inhibitors of oxidative phosphorylation may serve as novel agents for the treatment of endometriosis.

Published: 04/17/2023

Reproduction (Cambridge, England) pmid:37068140

DKK1 is a predictive biomarker for response to DKN-01: Results of a phase 2 basket study in women with recurrent endometrial carcinoma

Rebecca Arend, Jhalak Dholakia, Cesar Castro, Ursula Matulonis, Erika Hamilton, Camille Gunderson Jackson, Kristopher LyBarger, Howard M Goodman, Linda R Duska, Haider Mahdi, Adam C ElNaggar, Michael H Kagey, Amy Liu, Diane Piper, Lisa M Barroilhet, William Bradley, Jasgit Sachdev, Cynthia A Sirard, David M O'Malley, Michael Birrer

CONCLUSIONS: Collectively, data demonstrates promising clinical activity of a well-tolerated drug, DKN-01, in EC patients with high tumoral DKK1 expression which frequently corresponded to the presence of a Wnt activating mutation. Future development will focus on using DKN-01 in DKK1-high EC patients in combination with immunotherapy.

Published: 03/31/2023

Gynecologic oncology pmid:37001446

Beyond post-operative readmissions: analysis of the impact of unplanned readmissions during primary treatment of advanced-stage epithelial ovarian cancer on long-term oncology outcome

Dandi Huang, Ross Harrison, Erin Curtis, Nina Mirabadi, Grace Yi Chen, Roxana Alexandridis, Lisa Barroilhet, Stephen Rose, Ellen Hartenbach, Ahmed Al-Niami

CONCLUSIONS: In this study, 35% of the women with advanced ovarian cancer had at least one unplanned readmission during the entire treatment time. Patients treated by primary cytoreductive surgery spent more days during readmission than those with neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Readmissions did not affect progression-free survival and may not be valuable as a quality metric.

Published: 02/22/2023

International journal of gynecological cancer : official journal of the International Gynecological Cancer Society pmid:36808044

Surgical outcomes of adnexal masses classified by IOTA ultrasound simple rules

Erica V Carballo, Katherine E Maturen, Zhanhai Li, Krupa K Patel-Lippmann, Ashish P Wasnik, Elizabeth A Sadowski, Lisa M Barroilhet

IOTA (International Ovarian Tumor Analysis) Simple Rules classifies adnexal masses as benign, malignant, or indeterminate based on sonographic features. We seek to determine if IOTA inappropriately directed women to surgery, or more aggressive surgery, than their final diagnosis warranted. This is a retrospective study of sonographically detected adnexal masses with known clinical outcomes from two institutions (n = 528). Surgically managed patients (n = 172) were categorized based on pathology...

Published: 12/17/2022

Scientific reports pmid:36528698

NCCN Guidelines® Insights: Ovarian Cancer, Version 3.2022

Deborah K Armstrong, Ronald D Alvarez, Floor J Backes, Jamie N Bakkum-Gamez, Lisa Barroilhet, Kian Behbakht, Andrew Berchuck, Lee-May Chen, Viola C Chitiyo, Mihaela Cristea, Maria DeRosa, Eric L Eisenhauer, David M Gershenson, Heidi J Gray, Rachel Grisham, Ardeshir Hakam, Angela Jain, Amer Karam, Gottfried E Konecny, Charles A Leath, Gary Leiserowitz, Joyce Liu, Lainie Martin, Daniela Matei, Michael McHale, Karen McLean, David S Miller, Sanja Percac-Lima, Steven W Remmenga, John Schorge, Daphne Stewart, Premal H Thaker, Roberto Vargas, Andrea Wahner Hendrickson, Theresa L Werner, Emese Zsiros, Mary A Dwyer, Lisa Hang

Epithelial ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death from gynecologic cancer in the United States, with less than half of patients living >5 years following diagnosis. The NCCN Guidelines for Ovarian Cancer provide recommendations for the diagnosis, evaluation, treatment, and follow-up for patients with ovarian, fallopian tube, and primary peritoneal cancers. These NCCN Guidelines Insights summarize the panel discussion behind recent important updates to the guidelines, including revised...

Published: 09/08/2022

Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network : JNCCN pmid:36075393

Diagnostic Performance of the Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data System (O-RADS) Ultrasound Risk Score in Women in the United States

Priyanka Jha, Akshya Gupta, Timothy M Baran, Katherine E Maturen, Krupa Patel-Lippmann, Hanna M Zafar, Aya Kamaya, Neha Antil, Lisa Barroilhet, Elizabeth A Sadowski

CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: In this cohort study of a nonselected patient population, the O-RADS US risk stratification system performed within the expected range as published by the ACR O-RADS US committee. The frequency of malignant neoplasm was at the lower end of the published range, partially because of the lower prevalence of cancer in a nonselected population. However, a high negative predictive value was maintained, and when a lesion can be classified as an O-RADS US 2, the risk of cancer...

Published: 06/09/2022

JAMA network open pmid:35679042

Molecular classification in endometrial cancer: Opportunities for precision oncology in a changing landscape

Amy Jamieson, Lisa M Barroilhet, Jessica N McAlpine

Endometrial carcinoma (EC) classification and risk stratification have undergone a global transformation in the last decade, shifting from a reliance on poorly reproducible histomorphological parameters such as grade and histotype, toward a molecular classification that is consistent and biologically informative. Molecular classification enables reliable categorization of ECs, provides prognostic information, and is now beginning to drive clinical management, including surgery and adjuvant...

Published: 06/03/2022

Cancer pmid:35657171

Atovaquone: An Inhibitor of Oxidative Phosphorylation as Studied in Gynecologic Cancers

Arvinder Kapur, Pooja Mehta, Aaron D Simmons, Spencer S Ericksen, Geeta Mehta, Sean P Palecek, Mildred Felder, Zach Stenerson, Amruta Nayak, Jose Maria Ayuso Dominguez, Manish Patankar, Lisa M Barroilhet

Oxidative phosphorylation is an active metabolic pathway in cancer. Atovaquone is an oral medication that inhibits oxidative phosphorylation and is FDA-approved for the treatment of malaria. We investigated its potential anti-cancer properties by measuring cell proliferation in 2D culture. The clinical formulation of atovaquone, Mepron, was given to mice with ovarian cancers to monitor its effects on tumor and ascites. Patient-derived cancer stem-like cells and spheroids implanted in NSG mice...

Published: 05/14/2022

Cancers pmid:35565426

Dr. Barroilhet's Research Focus

Dr. Barroilhet's laboratory works on ovarian cancer prevention and early detection. Other projects include novel imaging techniques and identifying circulating biomarkers.

Barroilhet named first-ever Dolores A. Buchler, MD, Professor in Gynecologic Oncology

A special congratulations to Lisa Barroilhet, MD, of the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Gynecologic Oncology, as she is officially appointed the first Dolores A. Buchler, MD Professor of Gynecologic Oncology. 

It is only once or twice a lifetime that you come across a doctor like Dolores “Dee” Buchler. 

Dee joined the University of Wisconsin in 1969 after finishing her residency at University of Kansas where she trained in Ob-Gyn and the emerging fields of gynecologic oncology and radiation oncology—an extremely rare combination, and especially notable for a woman at that time.  Her prowess in radiation techniques and her unparalleled surgical skills combined were truly a rare commodity.  She was a pioneer in the treatment of gynecologic malignancies and a true innovator in the field, developing techniques for women’s cancers which now serve as the national model. 

Dee also was a leader in the department, beloved by learners, patients and colleagues alike. Dr. Buchler retired in 1995 as a professor in both Obstetrics and Gynecology and Human Oncology, leaving behind a legacy of impactful education, innovation, and care. 

In 2015, Dee established the Dolores Buchler Faculty Fellowship of Gynecologic Oncology to support a young surgeon with a passion for research and educating a new generation of doctors.  This year, Dee doubled down on her legacy by transforming her Fellowship to a Professorship, taking advantage of a unique match opportunity provided by John and Tashia Morgridge.

We are thrilled to add Dr. Lisa Barroilhet, the Dolores A. Buchler Professor of Gynecologic Oncology, to our growing list of endowed professors in Obstetrics and Gynecology. The funding provided by Dr. Buchler will protect Dr. Barroilhet’s time and provide discretionary funding to advance her research.

Dr. Buchler’s generosity and vision continue to inspire our department and work, and we will be forever grateful as her professorship moves the needle on women’s cancers forever. 

To learn more about professorships and endowed funds to support Ob-Gyn research, faculty, and training, contact Lily Johnson at lily.johnson@wisc.edu

Barroilhet and Patankar receive Wisconsin Partnership Program grant for ovarian cancer research

Congratulations to Lisa Barroilhet, MD, MS, director of the Division of Gynecologic Oncology, who is co-investigator on a Collaborative Health Sciences Program grant from the Wisconsin Partnership Program for a study to investigate ways to use immunotherapy for ovarian cancer treatment. Jenny Gumperz, PhD, professor in the UW School of Medicine and Public Health Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, is the principal investigator on the grant. Manish Patankar, PhD, director of the Division of Reproductive Sciences, is also a co-investigator.  

Collaborative Health Sciences Program grants provide up to $600,000 over three years. The project “Synergizing OXPHOS-inhibitors and Innate T cell-DC Cellular Immunotherapy to Treat Ovarian Cancer” builds on work by Barroilhet and Patankar to understand and apply atovaquone, a common anti-malarial treatment, to ovarian cancer prevention and treatment. In this proposal, they hope to use atovaquone to change tumor cell behavior, to make it more vulnerable to immunotherapy treatment. 

Barroilhet graduates from ELAM program

Huge congratulations to Lisa Barroilhet, MD, MS, director of the Division of Gynecologic Oncology, who recently graduated from the 2023-2024 Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership Academic Medicine (ELAM) Program!

Offered by the Drexel University College of Medicine, the ELAM Program is a year-long, part-time fellowship designed for women faculty in schools of medicine, dentistry, public health, and pharmacy. ELAM helps develop professional and personal leadership skills to help women navigate and succeed in today’s complex health care environment containing unique challenges to women in top positions.

Congratulations on this fantastic achievement, Dr. Barroilhet!

**by Ob-Gyn Communications Intern Paige Stevenson

Barroilhet to join panel at UW Carbone Cancer Center 50th Anniversary Open House, April 7

UW Carbone is partnering with UW’s Science Expeditions to highlight the cutting-edge cancer research being done here in Madison, raise awareness of new cancer trends and prevention, and encourage kids to dream of careers in science with hands-on activities and lab tours. 

Lisa Barroilhet, MD, MS, director of the Division of Gynecologic Oncology, will join a panel of experts during the event to discuss cancer trends, prevention tips, health disparities, and promising developments on the research horizon.  

This free event welcomes children and adults from 12-4 p.m. on Sunday, April 7, at the Health Sciences Learning Center, 750 Highland Ave. The day’s activities tie into several campus-wide activities celebrating the 175th anniversary of UW being founded as Wisconsin’s first public university. 

Learn more about the event here!

Barroilhet evaluates endometrial cancer data in Targeted Oncology

Lisa Barroilhet, MD, MS, director of the Division of Gynecologic Oncology, discussed trials that may be of interest for patients with recurrent endometrial cancer with Targeted Oncology during a Case-Based Roundtable event. 

In the discussion, Barroilhet reviewed data from a few recent trials for patients with recurrent endometrial cancer. She shared patient characteristics in some of the trials, frequency of adverse events, and a case study for a patient with recurrent cancer who participated in one of the trials.  

Read the whole conversation here 

Barroilhet discusses gynecologic cancer signs and symptoms with WISN

During Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month in September, Lisa Barroilhet, MD, MS, associate professor in the Division of Gynecologic Oncology, joined WISN 12 News to share common gynecologic cancer signs and symptoms.

In the interview, Barroilhet outlined the variety of gynecologic cancers, risk factors for developing different types of gynecologic cancers, warning signs or symptoms to look out for, and next steps for people experiencing symptoms.

Watch the whole interview here.

Barroilhet discusses PARP inhibitors with OncLive

Lisa Barroilhet, MD, MS, associate professor in the Division of Gynecologic Oncology, joined OncLive to talk about the role of PARP inhibitors for patients with ovarian cancer.  

In the video, Barroilhet discusses findings from two trials that seem encouraging for PARP inhibitor use: 

All patients with ovarian cancer displaying somatic or germline BRCA mutations should receive upfront PARP inhibitor maintenance therapy after completing an initial 6 cycles of chemotherapy with paclitaxel and carboplatin, Barroilhet says.... 

Patients with ovarian cancer with homologous recombination deficiency (HRD) may also benefit from PARP maintenance therapy, according to Barroilhet.” 

Watch the whole video here  

Barroilhet publishes editorial in Gynecologic Oncology Reports

Lisa Barroilhet, MD, MS, associate professor in the Division of Gynecologic Oncology, published an editorial about the intersection of gynecologic cancer care and post-Dobbs restrictions on health care in Gynecologic Oncology Reports. 

In “Editorial on vaginal cancer diagnosed in pregnancy and current abortion law on cancer care in Louisiana”, Barroilhet lays out the ways abortion restrictions can affect treatment options in gynecologic oncology: 

“Current legislation has unique downstream effects for gynecologic oncologists. Cancer complicates 1 in 1000 pregnancies. As our population becomes pregnant later in life, there will be more overlap with cancer diagnoses and pregnancy. The most common cancers diagnosed in pregnancy are breast, lymphoma, colon and gynecologic cancers. Standard of care treatments for these cancers often include chemotherapy and radiation, which can be teratogenic or pregnancy-ending, depending on gestational age. Delays in care can worsen patient outcomes, particularly in cancers that grow quickly, where any delay in systemic chemotherapy adds significant risk to the mother...” 

Barroilhet also discusses impacts on other areas of health care inside and outside ob-gyn, challenges to ob-gyn training programs, and effects on residency applications across specialties. 

Read the whole editorial here 

Barroilhet co-authors article in Abdominal Radiology

Lisa Barroilhet, MD, MS, associate professor in the Division of Gynecologic Oncology, co-authored a new study published in Abdominal Radiology. 

In “Distribution of prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA) on PET-MRI in patients with and without ovarian cancer”, Barroilhet and co-authors outline a proof-of-concept study comparing the results of an imaging protocol in patients with and without ovarian cancer: 

“PET/MR imaging detected PSMA uptake in ovarian cancer, with little to no uptake in benign ovarian findings. These results are encouraging and further studies in a larger patient cohort would be useful to help determine the extent and heterogeneity of PSMA uptake in ovarian cancer patients.” 

Read the whole study here! 

Leadership transition in the Division of Gynecologic Oncology

Later this fall, the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Gynecologic Oncology will undergo a leadership transition: Stephen Rose, MD, who has served as Division Director of Gynecologic Oncology since 2017, will step down from that role. Dr. Lisa Barroilhet, MD, MS will become the new Division Director on November 13, 2023. Please help us thank Dr. Rose for his steadfast, supportive, and innovative leadership over the last seven years and welcome Dr. Barroilhet to this new position!

Dr. Rose has been an incredible steward of the Division of Gynecologic Oncology during his time in this role. Under his leadership, the division added four faculty and two advanced practice providers and recruited exceptional candidates to the gynecologic oncology fellowship. Dr. Rose cultivated an environment that supported each member of the division in their career goals and aspirations. Faculty in the division have, with Dr. Rose’s support, received R01 grants, taken on prominent leadership roles in our department, institution, and national organizations, and published practice-changing research. His influence is not limited to our department, either – he founded the Heartland Association of Gynecologic Oncology in 2019 to create a space for gynecologic oncology professionals across our region to share research and build connections.

Dr. Rose has long been a sought-after physician and surgeon to patients in our area. He is favored by his patients and referring physicians alike. During his tenure as division director, he implemented clinical changes that better supported patients as well as providers in the department, including enacting sentinel lymph node protocols to improve cancer diagnosis and treatment, and rolling out a new system of call for faculty to improve the division’s efficiency and access. 

In 2022, Dr. Rose became the Medical Director for Regional Oncology Services at UW Health. His responsibilities in that role include providing clinical and professional direction for the program; building relationships with regional leadership teams and referring providers; extending research opportunities to regional partners; and more. In 2023, he won the UW Health Regional Services Physician Excellence Award for this important work. I am so pleased that Dr. Rose will remain in our department while he focuses more of his efforts and expands his responsibilities in a larger regional role for UW Health. 

Dr. Lisa Barroilhet is more than prepared for the challenge of becoming Division Director. She is a beloved clinician, award-winning researcher, highly regarded educator, and relentless advocate for reproductive health. Dr. Barroilhet demonstrated her leadership competence as Interim Chair of the Department of Ob-Gyn in 2022 – her tireless focus and foresight helped us navigate significant changes in the department following the Dobbs decision as smoothly as possible. 

Nationally, Dr. Barroilhet serves in numerous leadership roles, including as Vice Chair and Course Director for Patient Education for the Foundation for Women’s Cancer, as NRG Institutional PI and member of the NRG Development Therapeutics Committee and site PI for several national clinical trials, and as Co-Director for the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists Emerging Clinical Trialists Course. 

In addition to her leadership skills, Dr. Barroilhet is a committed researcher with a deep understanding of our institutional and national research platforms. She led the Carbone Cancer Center’s gynecologic oncology disease-oriented team (DOT) for several years, became the Division of Gynecologic Oncology’s director of translational research in 2021, and is principal investigator on several active studies right now. 

Dr. Barroilhet has established a reputation in our institution for her remarkable vision, and her ability to smoothly lead successful transformations improving our healthcare programs and patient care. She will be an exceptional Division Director. 

Please help us thank Dr. Rose for his many years of outstanding service as Director of the Division of Gynecologic Oncology and congratulate Dr. Barroilhet on this exciting opportunity!

Barroilhet, Wallace co-author review article in Radiology

Associate Professor Lisa Barroilhet, MD, MS, and Associate Professor Sumer Wallace, MD, MS, co-authored a review article in the journal Radiology.

In “Adnexal Lesion Imaging: Past, Present, and Future”, Barroilhet, Wallace, and co-authors discuss ways imaging has affected treatment of adnexal lesions, current data supporting the use of ultrasound, MRI, and CT imaging to differentiate between benign and cancerous lesions, and the future of imaging in ovarian cancer detection.

Read the whole article here.

Barroilhet appointed co-DOT leader of Chemoprevention

Congratulations to Lisa Barroilhet, MD, MS, associate professor in the Division of Gynecologic Oncology! Barroilhet was appointed co-leader of the UW Carbone Cancer Center’s Chemoprevention Disease-Oriented Team. She will lead the team alongside Howard Bailey, MD, associate dean for oncology at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health and director of the Carbone Cancer Center.

DOTs are research groups embedded in specific UW Carbone Cancer Center Scientific Programs and provide a multidisciplinary translational infrastructure which fosters inter- and intra-programmatic interactions that address programmatic goals and disease specific interests. Each DOT has a designated leader and participants include UWCCC Scientific Program members, research staff and other UW faculty.

Congratulations on this well-deserved honor, Dr. Barroilhet!

Barroilhet selected as 2023-2024 Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine Program fellow

Huge congratulations to Lisa Barroilhet, MD, MS, associate professor in the Division of Gynecologic Oncology! Barroilhet was selected as a 2023-24 Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine® (ELAM) Program fellow!

The ELAM Program, offered by the Drexel University College of Medicine, is a year-long, part-time fellowship for women faculty in schools of medicine, dentistry, public health and pharmacy. The program is dedicated to developing the professional and personal skills required to lead and manage in today's complex health care environment, with special attention to the unique challenges facing women in leadership positions.

The ELAM program is highly selective, choosing only about 60 applicants per year. Congratulations on this well-deserved honor, Dr. Barroilhet!

Patankar Lab publishes study on endometriosis treatment in Reproduction

According to the World Health Organization, endometriosis affects roughly 10 percent of reproductive-aged women around the world; despite this prevalence, treatment options are limited. In a new study in Reproduction, members of the Patankar Lab describe a novel treatment strategy for the disease.

Oxidative phosphorylation inhibitors inhibit proliferation of endometriosis cells”, by Arvinder Kapur, PhD, Jose M Ayuso, PhD, Santosh Kumari, PhD, Mildred Felder, Zach Stenerson, Melisa C Skala, PhD, Dave Beebe, PhD, Lisa Barroilhet, MD, MS, and Manish S Patankar, PhD, tests oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) inhibitors curcumin, plumbagin, and atovaquone against an endometriosis cell line:

“The results suggest that all three compounds inhibit proliferation and cause cell death of the endometriotic cells by inhibiting OXPHOS and causing an increase in intracellular oxygen radicals. The oxidative stress mediated by curcumin, plumbagin, and atovaquone causes DNA double-strand breaks as indicated by the elevation of phospho-γH2Ax. Mitochondrial energetics shows a significant decrease in oxygen consumption in 12Z cells.”

Read the study here!

Barroilhet earns GWIMS Impact Award

Congratulations to Lisa Barroilhet, MD, MS, associate professor in the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Gynecologic Oncology! Barroilhet earned the 2022 UW School of Medicine and Public Health Group on Women in Medicine and Science Impact Award! The award was presented at a ceremony on November 29, 2022.

The Impact Award recognizes significant contributions with ongoing, substantive impact in areas like advocacy, research, clinical work, education, program development, community involvement, and more. Please help us congratulate Dr. Barroilhet on this well-deserved honor!

Barroilhet, Giles, Iruretagoyena in Texas as Board Examiners

Three UW Ob-Gyn faculty served as ABOG subspecialty board examiners in Texas this year!

Dobie Giles, MD, MS, MBA, professor in the Division of Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery, Lisa Barroilhet, MD, MS, associate professor in the Division of Gynecologic Oncology, and Igor Iruretagoyena, MD, MS, professor and director of the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, each served as a board examiner for their respective subspecialties.

It's an exciting department accomplishment to have three faculty serve as subspecialty board examiners. Thank you all for your work supporting the next generation of FPMRS, Gynecologic Oncology, and MFM physicians!  

UW Ob-Gyn presentations at 2023 Society of Gynecologic Oncology conference

UW Ob-Gyn faculty, advanced practice providers, fellows, and residents prepared an impressive slate of presentations and posters, and served in key leadership roles, for the 2023 Society of Gynecologic Oncology Annual Meeting on Women’s Cancer! Here are just some of their exciting contributions to the conference, which took place March 25-28, 2023 in Tampa, FL:

Associate Proefssor Lisa Barroilhet, MD, MS:

Vice Chair of the Patient Education Committee

Professor Ellen Hartenbach, MD:

Poster: “The genomic profile of high-grade serous ovarian cancer and the association with platinum-resistance”

Poster: “Thromboembolic Events in Gynecologic Cancer Patients Treated with Chemotherapy”

Ob-Gyn Resident Rachel Mojdehbakhsh, MD:

Poster: “Radical hysterectomy case volume and cervical cancer treatment in the era of COVID-19: A multi-institutional analysis” 

Gynecologic Oncology Fellow Lauren Montemorano, MD:

Poster: “Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship Recruitment in the Virtual Era: An Evaluation of Program Websites and Survey of Applicant Preferences” (Lauren Montemorano MD, Connor C Wang MD, Ankitha Madde MD, J Stuart Ferriss MD, Bunja J Rungruang MD, Ryan Spencer MD, MS)

Poster: “The genomic profile of high-grade serous ovarian cancer and the association with platinum-resistance” (Lauren Montemorano MD, Jessica D Lang PhD, Zoey Shultz BA, Alma Farooque BA, Meredith Hyun MS, Richard Chappell PhD, Ellen Hartenbach MD)

Poster: “A comparison of early-occurring and late-occurring incisional hernias after trans-umbilical versus circumbilical midline laparotomy in gynecologic oncology patients” (Connor C Wang, Alexandra Andes, Aaditi Naik, Lauren Montemorano, Ahmed Al-Niaimi)

Joanne Rash, PA:

Special Interest Session for Allied Health Professionals: Provider Wellbeing: Hope to be Found

Rash finished her board terms as the first elected APP representative on the SGO board!

Professor Stephen Rose, MD:

Poster: “Radical hysterectomy case volume and cervical cancer treatment in the era of COVID-19: A multi-institutional analysis”

Associate Professor Ryan Spencer, MD, MS:

Spencer was selected to serve as the SGO representative on the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists’ political action committee (Ob-GynPAC).

Spencer received the Congressional Ambassador Award, given annually to SGO members who have worked hard to educate our elected and appointed officials in Washington, DC, to promote health care policy changes and annual federal funding increases to positively impact the field of gynecologic oncology and the women who are impacted with gynecologic cancer malignancies.

Chair, SGO Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Committee

Co-Lead, Gynecologic Oncology Standardized Letter of Evaluation (SLOE) Task Force

Poster: “Gynecologic oncology fellowship recruitment in the virtual era: an evaluation of program websites and survey of applicant preferences.” (Senior author on this multi-institutional project with Johns Hopkins, Duke, and Medical College of Georgia.)

Presentations during SGO Program Directors Network meeting:

Gynecologic Oncology SLOEs

Updates from the ABOG Reproductive Health Summit

Associate Professor Sumer Wallace, MD, MS:

Serves on Policy, Quality, & Outcomes task force for the Health Policy and Socioeconomic committee

Ob-Gyn Resident Connor Wang, MD:

Poster: “A Comparison of Early-Occuring and Late-Occuring Incisional Hernias After Trans-Umbilical Versus Circumbilical Midline Laparotomy in Gynecologic Oncology Patients”

Gynecologic Oncology Fellow Catherine Zhang, MD, MPH:

Featured Oral Poster Session: “A Quality Improvement Project to Implement Oral Anticoagulant Thromboprophylaxis in Ambulatory Gynecologic Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy”

Congratulations to all on this incredible showing!

Residency alum Carballo publishes in Scientific Reports

Erica Carballo, MD, UW Ob-Gyn residency graduate in the class of 2021, published a new article in Scientific ReportsLisa Barroilhet, MD, MS, associate professor in the Division of Gynecologic Oncology, is senior author on the article.

In Surgical outcomes of adnexal masses classified by IOTA ultrasound simple rules, Carballo and co-authors conducted a retrospective study of cases from two institutions with the goal of assessing whether the International Ovarian Tumor Analysis (IOTA) simple rules inappropriately directed patients to surgery, or more aggressive surgery, than their diagnoses warranted:

“…our analysis suggests that IOTA risk stratification is an effective adjunct in triaging adnexal masses, to conservative or surgical management in a way that does not increase surgical morbidity or delay treatment of malignancy. While there was not statistically significant increase in surgical morbidity of indeterminate masses with our small sample size, isolated cases were identified, making this an area where newer classification systems can provide improved clinical guidance to further improve outcomes.”

Read the whole study here.

Barroilhet presents keynote speech at Middleton Society event

On September 30, 2022, Lisa Barroilhet, MD, MS, associate professor in the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Gynecologic Oncology, presented the keynote speech at the UW School of Medicine and Public Health’s Middleton Society event.

Barroilhet presented “Women Need Us Now: The Science and Strategy of Cancer Prevention” to an audience of UW SMPH alumni, friends, and supporters. In her talk, she provided an update on the physiology of cancer, stressed the importance of research into screening and prevention, and highlighted opportunities for donors to support research efforts at UW.

The Middleton Society, the philanthropic society of the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, honors alumni, faculty and friends who support hope and encourage the scientists, clinicians, teachers and students who translate hope into action.

Incredible work, Dr. Barroilhet!

Barroilhet joins Crossing the Line podcast to discuss Dobbs’ impact on health care

On a recent episode of the new podcast Crossing the LineLisa Barroilhet, MD, MS, associate professor in the Division of Gynecologic Oncology, discussed Wisconsin’s abortion ban and the challenges of navigating the “life of the mother” exception.

In the episode “A Matter of Life or Death”, Barroilhet talks about the lack of clarity that affects the kinds of health care patients may be offered:

“This is very different than anything we’ve faced before. There’s no roadmap for that….

…It's very clear that it has to be life-saving, so her life, presumably, has to be in somewhat proximate danger. Not theoretical or abstract danger. There’s patients who may have subclinical infections or things that are very likely to progress and get worse…but how far do you let that go? How long do you wait? Very challenging to get that right, it’s a very narrow definition. And the reality is there’s a multitude of health-related reasons why abortions are done in our country every day.”

Listen to the whole episode here!

Grand Rounds: Barroilhet presents “The Dobbs Decision: Implications for Health Care in Wisconsin”

On October 6, 2022, UW Ob-Gyn Associate Professor Lisa Barroilhet, MD, MS, presented the Grand Rounds lecture “The Dobbs Decision: Implications for Health Care in Wisconsin”.

In the lecture, Barroilhet explained current law surrounding abortion care in Wisconsin, outlined some clinical situations where abortion would be legal under today’s law, and discussed access to abortion care for patients with chronic health conditions.

You can watch the whole lecture here!

Barroilhet joins WPR to talk about impacts of Wisconsin abortion laws

During her time as interim chair of the UW Department of Ob-Gyn, Associate Professor Lisa Barroilhet, MD, MS spoke with Wisconsin Public Radio on two occasions about the impacts of Wisconsin’s 1849 law restricting the availability of abortion care in the state.

In Wisconsin, what are my options if genetic testing shows the fetus isn't viable? – WHYsconsin

In this listener-question-driven segment, Barroilhet shared UW Health’s institutional understanding of whether fetal anomalies would affect availability of abortion care:

“"In the absence of any maternal illness, genetic abnormalities in the fetus — including those that would not allow the fetus to survive outside the womb — do not constitute a life-threatening condition for the mother," Dr. Lisa Barroilhet, interim chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, said in a written statement. "Because the abortion is not being performed to save of the life of the mother, it would not be legal in Wisconsin per the 1849 statute."”

Read the whole article here.

How Wisconsin's near-total abortion ban is impacting people with pregnancy complications, miscarriages – Central Time

In this interview, Barroilhet discussed what navigating the uncertainty has been like for patients and medical professionals. Listen to the whole interview here.

Barroilhet discusses challenges of post-Dobbs health care with Wisconsin Watch

In a new article, media outlet Wisconsin Watch highlights the effects of Wisconsin’s 173-year-old abortion ban law on patient care. In the article, Lisa Barroilhet, MD, MS, associate professor in the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Gynecologic Oncology, weighed in about the challenges of interpreting the law’s exception for “therapeutic abortions”:

““It’s really important to understand there’s never going to be like a checklist,” says Dr. Lisa Barroilhet, a gynecologic oncologist and the interim chair of obstetrics and gynecology for the UW. “Even before there were particular concerns about the legal ramifications, these situations are always incredibly individualized and nuanced.”" 

Read the whole article “Wisconsin’s 173-year-old ban allows only life-saving ‘therapeutic abortions.’ No one knows what that means.”

Barroilhet and Patankar publish in Cancers

A new study co-authored by Lisa Barroilhet, MD, of the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Gynecologic Oncology and Division of Reproductive Sciences Director Manish Patankar, PhD was published in the journal Cancers!

Atovaquone: An Inhibitor of Oxidative Phosphorylation as Studied in Gynecologic Cancers” outlines the Barroilhet and Patankar Labs’ research of the FDA-approved antimalarial drug atovaquone and its potential impact on gynecologic cancer:

“Our laboratory studied the anti-cancer properties of atovaquone in gynecologic cancers. We found that atovaquone slowed ovarian cancer growth in both cell lines and mouse models. Additional anti-cancer effects were seen, such as the reduced proliferation of cancer stem cells and spheroids implanted in mice. Atovaquone inhibited oxygen consumption and ATP production. Metabolic studies showed that atovaquone shifted glycolysis, electronic transport and the citric acid cycle. Our studies provided the mechanistic understanding and preclinical data to support the further investigation of atovaquone’s potential as a cancer therapy for gynecologic cancers.”

Read the whole study here. Congratulations to the Barroilhet and Patankar research groups on this exciting development!

Barroilhet/Patankar Labs celebrate graduates

The research labs of interim department chair Lisa Barriolhet, MD, MS and Division of Reproductive Sciences Director Manish Patankar, PhD celebrated some amazing graduates in May!

Please help us congratulate Lojain Ibrahim Aljohani, MS and Kristal Gant, PhD, who graduated from the UW-Madison Endocrinology & Reproductive Physiology program, and Shannon Rush, MD, graduating UW Ob-Gyn gynecologic oncology fellow!

UW Ob-Gyn presentations at 2022 Society of Gynecologic Oncology conference

Members of the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Gynecologic Oncology, fellows and residents prepared an impressive slate of posters and presentations for the 2022 Society of Gynecologic Oncology Annual Meeting on Women’s Cancer! Take a look at just some of the research brought to the hybrid conference, as well as the variety of service and leadership roles held by members of our department:

Ahmed Al-Niaimi, MD:

Master Class: Optimize and Operate: Enhancing Perioperative Quality, Safety, Experience, and Outcomes

Master Class: Debulk and Deliver: A Virtual Live-Streamed Master Class with Optional Hands-On Cytoreductive Surgery Lab 

Oral Plenary Presentation: Mechanical bowel preparation and post-operative renal dysfunction in patients undergoing cytoreductive surgery for ovarian cancer

Lisa Barroilhet, MD, MS:

Distillation: On-Demand Oral Featured Posters: Novel Therapies, PROs, and Disparities in Care

Special Interest Session: Curriculum for Emerging Clinical Trialists (Dr. Barroilhet is course director for this session)

Vice-Chair of the Patient Education Committee

Katherine Dryer, MD:

Poster: Outpatient palliative care utilization and aggressiveness of end-of-life care in women with gynecologic cancers (authors Kathryn Dryer MD, Janelle Sobecki MD, Michael Lasarev MS, Lena Law BA, Anna Stecher MD, Ellen Hartenbach MD)

Maya Gross, MD, MPH:

Poster: Risk factors associated with distress among postoperative patients in an academic gynecologic oncology practice

Ellen Hartenbach, MD:

Symposium: Wake to Wellness: Beating Burnout Through Better Patient Communication (Hartenbach presented “Mitigating Burnout Through Effective Communication Techniques”)

Palliative Medicine Committee 

Clinical Practice Committee

David Kushner, MD:

Finance Committee

Wellness Committee (Chair)

Developed two “Wake to Wellness” Sessions based on SGO Wellness Curriculum that was just published:

Managing Priorities 

Moving from Surviving to Thriving (Kushner will present as part of this session)

Senior author on Surgical Innovation presentation “Beneath the Surface: Fluorescein mapping in vulvar Paget’s Disease” given by Gyn Onc fellow Catherine Zhang, MD

Joanne Rash, PA:

Attending the SGO Board meeting (virtually), and will start her board term as the first-ever APP representative on the SGO board

Stephen Rose, MD:

Co-Chair of the Fellowship Program Directors Network and will be leading the annual meeting Thursday night. 

Hosting the UW Fellow Alumni Reception Sunday night

Senior author on Connor Wang’s study: Adaptive and maladaptive humor styles are closely associated with burnout and professional fulfillment in members of the Society of Gynecologic Oncology

Shannon Rush, MD:

Poster: Hormone replacement therapy counseling at prophylactic bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy in high risk patients

Janelle Sobecki, MD:

Poster: Risk factors associated with distress among postoperative patients in an academic gynecologic oncology practice (Maya Gross, Sumer Wallace - Senior)

Poster: Outpatient Palliative Care Utilization and Aggressiveness of End-of-Life Care in Women with Gynecologic Cancers (Kathryn Dryer, Ellen Hartenbach – Senior)

Sumer Wallace, MD:

Serves on Policy, Quality, & Outcomes task force for the Health Policy and Socioeconomic committee

Connor Wang, MD:

Poster: Adaptive and maladaptive humor styles are closely associated with burnout and professional fulfillment in members of the Society of Gynecologic Oncology

Catherine Zhang, MD:

Poster: Thromboembolic events in gynecologic cancer patients treated with chemotherapy (authors R. Zhang, MD; T. Stewart, BS; K. Tetreault, MS; R. Alexandridis, PhD; J. Bergsbaken, PharmD;  S. Wallace, MD; D. Kushner, MD;E. Hartenbach, MD)

Farr Nezhat Session Surgical Innovation Session: How Surgical Futurists are Revolutionizing Cancer Care (Zhang presented “Beneath the Surface: Fluorescein mapping in vulvar Paget’s Disease”)

Congratulations to all for these incredible achievements!

Sobecki published in International Journal of Gynecologic Cancer

Janelle Sobecki, MD, of the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Gynecologic Oncology, is lead author on a new study published in the International Journal of Gynecologic Cancer!

In “Opportunistic osteoporosis screening using routine computed tomography images to identify bone loss in gynecologic cancer survivors”, Sobecki and co-authors (including gynecologic oncology faculty Lisa Barroilhet, MD, MS, Ellen Hartenbach, MD, and resident India Anderson-Carter, MD, PGY-2) examined bone loss in a retrospective cohort of people who underwent oophorectomy for gynecologic cancer. The total sample of 185 patients showed significant changes in bone mineral density over time:

“Women with gynecologic cancers may experience accelerated cancer treatment-induced bone loss. Routine CT imaging is a convenient screening modality to identify those at highest risk for osteoporosis who warrant further evaluation with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Routine bone mineral density assessments 1 year following oophorectomy for cancer treatment may be warranted in this population.”

Read the whole study here.

Wagar published in Journal of Ob-Gyn Hospital Medicine

A new article in the latest issue of the Journal of Ob-Gyn Hospital Medicine looks at rates of removal of fallopian tubes during postpartum sterilization procedures.

Trends in Postpartum Opportunistic Salpingectomy During Vaginal Delivery Admissions”, by UW Ob-Gyn resident Matt Wagar, MD, PGY-4 and co-authors Amy Godecker, PhD, Maria Landeros, Lisa Barroilhet, MD MS, and Makeba Williams, MD, is a retrospective study looking at rates of bilateral salpingectomy before and after the Society of Gynecologic Oncology issued a practice statement recommending patients consider salpingectomy rather than tubal ligation to lower future cancer risk. Their comparison found:

“Patient demographics before and after January 1st, 2014, did not significantly differ between the time periods. In 2014, 5.9% of sterilization procedures were completed as salpingectomies, increasing to 80% by 2019 (p-value for trend <0.001). No differences in postoperative complications or readmissions were noted between the two time periods.”

Read the whole study here!

Wagar published in Gynecologic Oncology

A new article in the journal Gynecologic Oncology by UW Ob-Gyn resident Matt Wagar, MD, PGY-4 examines whether enrollments in clinical trials for PARP inhibitors reflects the racial and ethnic diversity of people who are diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

Racial and ethnic enrollment disparities in clinical trials of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitors for gynecologic cancers”, by Wagar and co-authors Rachel Mojdehbakhsh, MD, Amy Godecker, PhD, Laurel Rice, MD, and Lisa Barroilhet, MD, is a retrospective review utilizing data from 15 PARP inhibitor trials on ClinicalTrials.gov. The study found:

“[Non-Hispanic] NH-Black and Hispanic patients are significantly underrepresented in clinical trials evaluating PARP inhibitors for ovarian cancers compared to NH-White cohorts. Phase II/III trials assessing PARP inhibitors for ovarian cancers do not accurately represent the populations diagnosed with these malignancies. Enrollment strategies are needed to increase diversity in PARP inhibitor clinical trials for women's cancers.”

Read the whole study here!

Barroilhet joins ICTR Graduate Program in Clinical Investigation admissions committee

Lisa Barroilhet, MD, of the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Gynecologic Oncology, was recently invited to join the UW-Madison Institute for Clinical and Translational Research’s admissions and recruiting subcommittee for the Graduate Program in Clinical Investigation! Her three-year term began on January 1, 2022.

The admissions and recruiting subcommittee makes final, program-level decisions about admissions of new PhD and MS students, as well as evaluates transfer requests into the program from UW-Madison students.

Congratulations, Dr. Barroilhet!

Barroilhet discusses patient education with Health Professional Radio

On a recent episode of Health Professional Radio, Lisa Barroilhet, MD of the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Gynecologic Oncology, discussed the launch of the Foundation for Women’s Cancer #MoveTheMessage campaign.

In the interview, Barroilhet talked about the need for greater awareness of gynecologic cancers, the importance of having accessible, inclusive education materials readily available for patients and providers, and why increased research funding is crucial for improving gynecologic cancer outcomes. She also outlined the new #MoveTheMessage campaign from the Foundation for Women’s Cancer, a campaign focused on sharing free, inclusive educational materials about several aspects of gynecologic cancer – signs and symptoms, treatments, clinical research, and more.

Listen to Dr. Barroilhet’s whole interview here!

Barroilhet promoted to Associate Professor (tenure track)

Our congratulations to Lisa Barroilhet, MD, of the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Gynecologic Oncology! Barroilhet has been promoted to Associate Professor (Tenure Track). The promotion and track transfer will be effective July 1, 2021. Previously, Barroilhet was an associate professor (CHS track).

Since joining the department in 2012, Barroilhet has earned a distinguished reputation in research and patient care. Just a few incredible accomplishments in recent years: in 2020, she earned an R01 grant from the NIH to study atovaquone and ovarian cancer, and was appointed the first-ever Dolores A. Buchler, MD Professor of Gynecologic Oncology

Congratulations, Dr. Barroihet!

Grand Rounds: Badger Bytes on opioids and women’s health

On Thursday, January 7, a multidisciplinary group presented Badger Bytes Grand Rounds lectures as part of the presentation “The Multiple Dimensions of Opioid Use for Women’s Health.” The session was moderated by UW Ob-Gyn Division of Reproductive and Population Health Director Deborah Ehrenthal, MD, MPH.

Erin Nacev, MD/MPH student in the UW SMPH started off with “Prenatal Opioid Use Disorder and Birth Outcomes in Wisconsin". In her presentation, Nacev examined the prevalence of prenatal opioid use disorder and uptake of medication-assisted treatment among Medicaid-covered births in Wisconsin, and discussed future directions for research on OUD and pregnancy.

Next, UW Ob-Gyn resident Emily Buttigieg, MD, PGY-4 presented "Gynecologic Surgery Postoperative Narcotic Use". In the presentation, Buttigieg examined prescribing patterns for opioids after gynecologic surgery at a large academic medical center, and estimated ideal prescription size to reduce unused opioids after procedures.

Lisa Barroilhet, MD, of the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Gynecologic Oncology presented the last lecture “Opioids, Cancer and the Immune System: Untangling a Complicated Relationship". Barroilhet outlined some ways opioids affect cancer treatments, options for pain control while limiting opioids, and areas for further study.

Watch the whole Badger Bytes presentation here!

First HAGO Conference was a great success!

On September 10-11, the UW Ob-Gyn Division of Gynecologic Oncology hosted the first-ever Heartland Association of Gynecologic Oncology (HAGO) meeting. More than 70 gynecologic oncology professionals tuned in for the virtual conference, which included two keynote presentations and 21 research abstract presentations.

HAGO was founded in 2020 by UW Ob-Gyn Division of Gyn Onc Director Stephen Rose, MD, and the program committee included Ryan Spencer, MD and UW Ob-Gyn Gyn Onc fellowship graduates Andrea O’Shea, MD and Shitanshu Uppal, MD.

Of the 21 abstracts selected for presentation, five were from our department (Matthew Wagar, MD with mentor Sumer Wallace, MDWagar with mentor Makeba Williams, MDShannon Rush, MD with mentor Steve Rose, MDRachel Mojdehbakhsh, MD with mentor Ryan Spencer, MD; and Connor Wang, MD with mentor Spencer).

UW Ob-Gyn Gyn Onc fellow Shannon Rush, MD earned the first Award for Clinical Research for her abstract “65 Revisited: A Revised Markov Model for Evaluating Oophorectomy at the Time of Hysterectomy for Benign Disease”!

Lisa Barroilhet, MD was also an invited distillation presenter and UW Ob-Gyn Department Chair Laurel Rice, MD gave a keynote address and received the inaugural HAGO Award for Service and Leadership.

Our congratulations to everyone involved in planning and preparing the HAGO Conference – incredible work!

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